Biased Advertising.
(too old to reply)
2021-10-21 14:09:20 UTC
It seems that many people like to state "The vaccines are safe." A statement not absolutely true when people also state that no vaccine is 100% safe and people have gotten sick and even died from taking the vaccine.

Well guess what? People also like to paint Eckankar as highly successful and that the spiritual exercises work. perhaps for many, but not for all. O.K. And people also state that no religion is perfect.

Why not just tell the truth so consumers can make knowledgeable and well-informed decisions? IOW, Why hide the negative aspects about COVID-19 vaccines, or about Eckankar?

The products needs to be "sold"?
Tisra Til
2021-10-22 17:09:33 UTC
It seems that many people like to state "The vaccines are safe." A statement not absolutely true when people also state that no vaccine is 100% safe and people have gotten sick and even died from taking the vaccine.
Well guess what? People also like to paint Eckankar as highly successful and that the spiritual exercises work. perhaps for many, but not for all. O.K. And people also state that no religion is perfect.
Why not just tell the truth so consumers can make knowledgeable and well-informed decisions? IOW, Why hide the negative aspects about COVID-19 vaccines, or about Eckankar?
The products needs to be "sold"?
Smokescreen after smokescreen in a spiral array
a pattern so grand and complex.
Time after time we lose sight of the way,
our causes can't see their effects (a slight alteration of a RUSH tune - from Natural science)