The Historical Ephemeris by Palden Jenkins
(too old to reply)
Henosis Sage
2022-03-13 14:09:05 UTC
The Historical Ephemeris
from 600 BCE to CE 2200

Astrological tables and historical timelines
demonstrating a relationship between
planetary movements and world historical trends and events
for the use of historians and astrologers

researched and compiled by
Palden Jenkins

I have tons of bookmarks/favs backed up in old hard drives but not transferred into my current computer. I remembered this website but could not recall the name of it, or how to search for it, tried a couple of times in recent years but quickly gave up. Then tonight I had another go and using a few terms I could recall, like the outer planets names, up it came as #7 on page one of search results the first time! That's frigging amazing. That's how easy it used to be to find obscure historical records about twitchell's history and the books he plagiarized. Stuff literally fell out of the internet into my lap for years on end. Amazing fun. (while it lasted)

Anyway I found this website info really helpful and useful once upon a time, and figured it might help now with all the shit hitting the fan.

My first peak will be Uranus-Pluto transits section.
Historical Ephemeris: articles
4. Uranus-Pluto cycles and the storms of history

1901-1902 Ura OPPN Plu Sag Gem
1965-1966 Ura CONJ Plu Vir

2012 WAS THE LATEST SQUARE ... the whole page is informative, check it out.

My extracts will focus on recent times ... and the near future [ and later I will add on some other posts with info about other key triggers of historical significance.


From this quick, cursory review of Roman events, it can be seen that Uranus-Pluto turning-points bring a variety of symptoms and mechanisms of change. They signify unexpected wobbles, at times drastically affecting the course of history. One fine example was the ending of Roman republican democracy (such as it was) around 70 BC, leading to the later foundation of the empire – and to Rome's transformation from a brick-built to a marble city.

Another example was the founding of Constantinople around 330, leading to a Roman rebirth in Byzantine form. To end this tale, Byzantium eventually fell to the Turks, a millennium later in 1453, two years before a Uranus-Pluto conjunction in Leo.

Inspiration and perspiration

There's a close connection between genius and Uranus-Pluto energy-blips. Virtually every conjunction and opposition coughs up remarkable advances in culture, invention or instigation. The hitch is that, once the excitement is over, longterm reality strikes again.

The 1901-02 opposition in Sagittarius-Gemini brought us Quantum Theory, Freud's "Interpretation of Dreams", radio, public electrical systems and flight, and the effects of these have been unfolding ever since – with a mixture of enlightening and polluting effects.

A previous opposition in the same signs in 774-76 saved civilisation in Europe (during the Carolingian Renaissance and in the Cordoba Caliphate, Spain). Unbeknownst to Charlemagne, the foundations of the European Union of 1200 years later were laid at this time. Such prescient developments do happen when transpersonal forces work their magic.

This spotlights one characteristic of genius – it anticipates and caters for possibilities unknown at the time. Little did Alcuin the Monk, Charlemagne's scholarly mentor, know that Belgium would later become central in Europe, and little were the Wright brothers to suspect that aviation-driven package holidays would impact so much on Sri Lanka.

The wringing action on the public unconscious of Uranus and Pluto squeezes out images and initiatives which speak to history: in but one Uranus-Pluto hemicycle a paper-and-wood biplane became a lunar landing module, and Freudianism became a sexual revolution. Things move a long way fast, yet much intervenes in between.

At present, many prophecy buffs look toward the year 2012 as a time of drastic change. Though end-of-the-world type anticipations might turn out to be exaggerated, there nevertheless is a Uranus-Pluto square from 2012-15. At a square, new impulses arising from a conjunction (1965-1966) are put to the test – there is a manifestation crisis. *******

The astrologically-logical likelihood for 2012 is that the paradigm-shift issues of the 1960s ### will be forced by circumstance to deliver their goods: ecological ideas, women's power and techno-globalism, to name but three bundles of issues, will probably have to handle an emergency. ###

War, institutions and boundaries (Aries-Capricorn) are predictable front-runners for likely trouble. Knowing how things are nowadays, this aspect is likely actually to bring a hailstorm of major issues.

But the choices now are FUNDAMENTAL. We need to realise, for example, that war no longer resolves conflicts as once it did.
This is now a pragmatic issue, not solely a moral one or the domain of lettuce-eating pacifists.
In the twelve years up to this aspect, we possess the choice to make major proactive forward-steps, or to continue delaying and avoiding such challenges as long as possible. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

[ NOTE - 9/11 2001 RESPONSES, IRAQ WAR, 2014-15 UKRAINE CIVIL WAR STARTS, YEMEN 2014, PALESTINE, 2012 Benghazi attack LIBYA, HRC, OBAMA, BIDEN, 2012–2013 escalation of the Syrian civil war, USA SAUDIS USES AL-QUEDA TO FIGHT ASSAD/RUSSIA .... AND 2014 Venezuela's president claims the Obama administration is fomenting unrest with the aim of provoking a Ukraine-style 'slow-motion' coup .... WTF? ]

As in 1930, on the PREVIOUS SQUARE , when economic and social crisis demanded drastic action, so around 2012 we tread PERILOUS PATHS along which the choices we make might have enormous and rapid outcomes. TEN YEARS AFTER 1930 the world was at war. What will the world be like in the decade following 2012? -- BRINGS US TO 2022 !!!!

Since Planet Earth is a world of variety, a variety of things will undoubtedly happen. There will no doubt be both horrors and deeply moving breakthroughs, and (especially for reincarnate Mayans!) it could be the end and beginning of a new age – of some sort!

However, this is a square, concerning CONCRETE ISSUES, and the Uranus-Pluto cycle began back in the 1960s. Perhaps the new age began back then, without our realising it, and perhaps, with visionary and bloody stuff included, the full variety is already showing itself.

NEXT: The Next Seventy Years

PS TODAY .... Saudi Arabia kills 81 in its largest mass execution ever recorded
Henosis Sage
2022-03-13 14:27:33 UTC
Post by Henosis Sage
The Historical Ephemeris
from 600 BCE to CE 2200
Astrological tables and historical timelines
demonstrating a relationship between
planetary movements and world historical trends and events
for the use of historians and astrologers
researched and compiled by
Palden Jenkins
I have tons of bookmarks/favs backed up in old hard drives but not transferred into my current computer. I remembered this website but could not recall the name of it, or how to search for it, tried a couple of times in recent years but quickly gave up. Then tonight I had another go and using a few terms I could recall, like the outer planets names, up it came as #7 on page one of search results the first time! That's frigging amazing. That's how easy it used to be to find obscure historical records about twitchell's history and the books he plagiarized. Stuff literally fell out of the internet into my lap for years on end. Amazing fun. (while it lasted)
Anyway I found this website info really helpful and useful once upon a time, and figured it might help now with all the shit hitting the fan.
My first peak will be Uranus-Pluto transits section.
Historical Ephemeris: articles
4. Uranus-Pluto cycles and the storms of history
1901-1902 Ura OPPN Plu Sag Gem
1965-1966 Ura CONJ Plu Vir
2012 WAS THE LATEST SQUARE ... the whole page is informative, check it out.
My extracts will focus on recent times ... and the near future [ and later I will add on some other posts with info about other key triggers of historical significance.
From this quick, cursory review of Roman events, it can be seen that Uranus-Pluto turning-points bring a variety of symptoms and mechanisms of change. They signify unexpected wobbles, at times drastically affecting the course of history. One fine example was the ending of Roman republican democracy (such as it was) around 70 BC, leading to the later foundation of the empire – and to Rome's transformation from a brick-built to a marble city.
Another example was the founding of Constantinople around 330, leading to a Roman rebirth in Byzantine form. To end this tale, Byzantium eventually fell to the Turks, a millennium later in 1453, two years before a Uranus-Pluto conjunction in Leo.
Inspiration and perspiration
There's a close connection between genius and Uranus-Pluto energy-blips. Virtually every conjunction and opposition coughs up remarkable advances in culture, invention or instigation. The hitch is that, once the excitement is over, longterm reality strikes again.
The 1901-02 opposition in Sagittarius-Gemini brought us Quantum Theory, Freud's "Interpretation of Dreams", radio, public electrical systems and flight, and the effects of these have been unfolding ever since – with a mixture of enlightening and polluting effects.
A previous opposition in the same signs in 774-76 saved civilisation in Europe (during the Carolingian Renaissance and in the Cordoba Caliphate, Spain). Unbeknownst to Charlemagne, the foundations of the European Union of 1200 years later were laid at this time. Such prescient developments do happen when transpersonal forces work their magic.
This spotlights one characteristic of genius – it anticipates and caters for possibilities unknown at the time. Little did Alcuin the Monk, Charlemagne's scholarly mentor, know that Belgium would later become central in Europe, and little were the Wright brothers to suspect that aviation-driven package holidays would impact so much on Sri Lanka.
The wringing action on the public unconscious of Uranus and Pluto squeezes out images and initiatives which speak to history: in but one Uranus-Pluto hemicycle a paper-and-wood biplane became a lunar landing module, and Freudianism became a sexual revolution. Things move a long way fast, yet much intervenes in between.
At present, many prophecy buffs look toward the year 2012 as a time of drastic change. Though end-of-the-world type anticipations might turn out to be exaggerated, there nevertheless is a Uranus-Pluto square from 2012-15. At a square, new impulses arising from a conjunction (1965-1966) are put to the test – there is a manifestation crisis. *******
The astrologically-logical likelihood for 2012 is that the paradigm-shift issues of the 1960s ### will be forced by circumstance to deliver their goods: ecological ideas, women's power and techno-globalism, to name but three bundles of issues, will probably have to handle an emergency. ###
War, institutions and boundaries (Aries-Capricorn) are predictable front-runners for likely trouble. Knowing how things are nowadays, this aspect is likely actually to bring a hailstorm of major issues.
But the choices now are FUNDAMENTAL. We need to realise, for example, that war no longer resolves conflicts as once it did.
This is now a pragmatic issue, not solely a moral one or the domain of lettuce-eating pacifists.
In the twelve years up to this aspect, we possess the choice to make major proactive forward-steps, or to continue delaying and avoiding such challenges as long as possible. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[ NOTE - 9/11 2001 RESPONSES, IRAQ WAR, 2014-15 UKRAINE CIVIL WAR STARTS, YEMEN 2014, PALESTINE, 2012 Benghazi attack LIBYA, HRC, OBAMA, BIDEN, 2012–2013 escalation of the Syrian civil war, USA SAUDIS USES AL-QUEDA TO FIGHT ASSAD/RUSSIA .... AND 2014 Venezuela's president claims the Obama administration is fomenting unrest with the aim of provoking a Ukraine-style 'slow-motion' coup .... WTF? ]
As in 1930, on the PREVIOUS SQUARE , when economic and social crisis demanded drastic action, so around 2012 we tread PERILOUS PATHS along which the choices we make might have enormous and rapid outcomes. TEN YEARS AFTER 1930 the world was at war. What will the world be like in the decade following 2012? -- BRINGS US TO 2022 !!!!
Since Planet Earth is a world of variety, a variety of things will undoubtedly happen. There will no doubt be both horrors and deeply moving breakthroughs, and (especially for reincarnate Mayans!) it could be the end and beginning of a new age – of some sort!
However, this is a square, concerning CONCRETE ISSUES, and the Uranus-Pluto cycle began back in the 1960s. Perhaps the new age began back then, without our realising it, and perhaps, with visionary and bloody stuff included, the full variety is already showing itself.
NEXT: The Next Seventy Years
PS TODAY .... Saudi Arabia kills 81 in its largest mass execution ever recorded
AND A CPL SMALL SNIPPETS OF http://www.palden.co.uk/ephem/next-seventy-years.html
[written in 1993 just before the internet began to take off .... and the Earth Summit of 1993 ... IPCC & CLIMATE CHANGE ]
Phase one of this chapter of world change is from 1993-2010ish. Reality is likely to become far more flexible, and public perspectives will grow and clash with their old boundaries and containers. The world has seen economic and technological integration during the 20th Century, but this is a time where the focus shifts to the global integration of social and cultural issues - people.

In other words, Muslims and western liberals, haves and have-nots, blacks and whites, women and men, rulers and ruled, all these and more will perforce come to meet, goaded by a constant stream of events which test and redefine boundaries and interchanges - tragedies will be large when errors are made, but triumphs will probably be inspiring, setting many precedents.

It's impossible to see the forms these changes will take, since quantum reality-leaps are involved. For example, how will it affect the world if, to take a wild example, it becomes clear that extraterrestrials are amongst us, bearing technologies and psychologies capable of catalysing environmental and social resolution? We have little experience by which to judge.

How will climatic changes affect us? What will be the global effect of the rise of China as a world power?

In 2012-16 we face a crunch time. All that was seen and conceived in the mid-1960s will be fully under test - plus the beliefs and efforts of the generation which was deeply marked by the 1960s, by then in their later life. Rising difficulties will force pragmatic adaptation.

There will be more emphasis on structures, but particularly on the capacity of structures to handle and channel change, forced by crisis.

The time for debates will be over and the world will be faced with many imperatives - possibly even a world crisis of enormous proportions. Energy straining against containment: Uranus in Aries square (90°) Pluto in Capricorn. Choices and re-adjustments, stress between individuals and society. Cooperation or breakdown. A major transition or painful ruin - or a mixture of both, depending on our choices. [...]


Either this, or if we fared badly around 2012-16, a long drudgerous experiencing of the outcomes of what happened. Yet things are not yet likely to be resolved, even though great progress should have been made: the 2030s will probably be acute, an ongoing knife-edge, with no ease or let-up, yet potentially there can be a great healing, decontamination and reconstruction going on. We'll have to work hard on these and other issues though.

Then come the 2040s, a big time of testing. By now, humanity will have to be united enough and sufficiently in unison to handle things on a planetary scale. The stakes are at their highest ever. This is a time of breakthrough or breakdown: climate, environmental issues and food-production will probably be critical, but our group-psychological capacity to handle breakthrough and its implications will be equally so.

The Uranus-Neptune square (transition-point of the cycle begun at the conjunction in 1993) in 2039-41 is closely followed by a Uranus-Pluto opposition (climax of the cycle beginning in 1965) in 2046-48. Tests of power at the beginning, and a turning-over of reality towards the end. Henceforth things will undoubtedly be different from before. This is it: we will know by this time if we have mastered the world crisis or not.

[ just one man's analysis .... i think the hints are in the rest of his historical work ..... but others may be more astute. i'm no astrologer. cheers ]