Henosis Sage
2021-11-15 03:34:03 UTC
THE PAUL TWITCHELL DATE OF BIRTH ISSUE - Why it does make a difference.
i do not believe I ever wrote a full and complete referenced commentary on the dob .... the info is spread around different files and comments articles and on a.r.e. which is a pity. maybe one day ......
It did become a real drag to even look at it.
an extract from link above .. aka chasing bullshit down the rabbit hole ....
So what exactly are the DOB issues that are still generally some disagreement, and why would these still be important to
some people long after the DOB had finally been fairly well pinned down to a point that most observers could at least
accept and agree upon?
First imagine you have been tasked with writing up a Biopgraphy on a person other than yourself.
Here's the short list to the best of my memory thus far of what one is being confronted with regarding Paul and when he
was born:
1) There is very substantial evidence the DOB may in fact be the 23rd of Oct., 1909.
2) There is substantial evidence that Paul's full name at birth may actually have been Jacob Paul Twitchell, and not John
3) The WWiK item uses both John Paul, and one of the Bibles dates being 10/22/1908 - how could that have come
about, some people wonder?
4) Paul used a 1912 date for his marriage to Camille in 1942, and birth record putting his name as Jacob Paul.
5) Paul used a 1922 date for his marriage to Gail in 1964.
6) Until the day he died, Paul's stories about going to India and meeting Sudar Singh predominantly revolve around him
going there in the late 1930's; but he sure wasnt a teenager then as the stories suggest.
7) Paul did not graduate High School in Paducah until May 1931; the WWiK suggest it was in 1928 which is the
expected time duration for one born 1908/09;
8) Paul's stories about his Grands suggest that he graduated HS with TOP marks when he was still only 15 years of age,
which places this as in May 1925.
9) Paul's repeated stories about his birth suggest he was born during or just after a major earthquake in the area. This is
not about any 1812 earthquake in the region. Yes was an earthquake near Paducah in late October 1909 (and in no ther
nearby years) reported in the local regional papers as bing in the early morning of the 23rd .. not the 22nd.
10) Paul appears to religiously used a 22 day date at all times that we know about.
11) The 22nd October also manifests as the Eckankar new year; and the specific date that says when the change from
one master to the next always ocurrs. If it is the DOB is actually 23rd, are there implications in that for Eckankar?
12) Harold Klemp drew a direct connection between Paul chnaging various aspects of history, to that of tax evasion. He
appears to base that upon his own reading of Paul's original archive in Harold's possession.
13) Doug, with support from Patti and Gail, suggests that there other valid reasons why Paul was coy about his real age,
and DOB, and that it has to do with "breaking free of lower world illusions"and not judgeing people by their DOB etc.
14) David Lane and others see it as still more evidence that paul was unreliable and not credible; and that also spills
over into the teachings he gave out, and other issues of his credibility.
15) Eckists generally take the view, that whatever happened or why, it has no imapct on the validity of his teachings.
16) Paul's SSN is noted on his death certificate, showing a 1922 DOB. In the USA one needs an offical Birth cert. copy
in order to obtain a SSN.
17) Paul's SSN associated with his 1912 DOB is not the same as above.
18) What ever happened to Paul's SSN based upon his own WWiK 1908 DOB?
19) Over time, the number has been used for more diverse purposes than simply taxes, essentially making it a de facto
national identification number. The SSNs were issued by the Social Security Administration in November 1935 as part
of the New Deal Social Security program.
20) To get a SSN - You must present your birth certificate if you have it or can easily obtain it. If not, we can consider
other documents, such as your passport to prove age. Social Security must verify a birth record for all U.S.-born
applicants or any age who apply for an original Social Security number.
Well, that's the short list of related DOB issues I can come up with off the top of my head.
Each person is quite capable of deciding for themselves if any of these issues are important to them in any way.
Hope that helps.
2012-06-02 PTHA Copyright © Twitchell Eckankar History Archive All Rights Reserved
Disclaimer Fair Use: This article is presented strictly in the public interest for research purposes.
All the copyrights of materials reproduced here are the properties of their respective owners.
[PTHA 2012] Paul Twitchell DOB issue 1908 1909 1912 1922.txt[15/11/2014 10:45:58 AM]
what is not easy is locating all the verifiable evidence.
on balance common sense can work well enough.
using only the evidence and various reports that does exist on the twitchell archive is sufficient to conclude
and using the other parts of the known context about PTs life and story telling and short comings.
Providing a false DOB in a marriage license is a felony crime for both Twitchell's marriages.
holding multiple SSNs is also a felony crime.
splitting one's income across several fake IDs is also a felony crime.
copying other people;s published copyright books and writings is not merely "plagiarism" it is outright copyright infringement and liable for Civil court proceedings.
Eckankar and before that Gail Twitchell were being sued by copyright holders. That is clear (?) from the eckankar gail twitchell contract for the sale of Pauls rights to his writings. It is why she sold them - she could not afford to defend the court cases and besides that she KNEW she would lose any such case on her own .... plus $250,000 was nice gift - eckankar had bigger pockets and could make out of court settlements, which they obviously did .... and then a few books and booklets were no longer printed. eg The Far Country .
plus possibly The ECK-YNARI The Secret Knowledge of Dreams, 1980 ( P Twitchell & D Gross, OOP), The Spiritual Notebook, 1971, The ECK-VIDYA: Ancient Science of Prophecy,
i do not believe I ever wrote a full and complete referenced commentary on the dob .... the info is spread around different files and comments articles and on a.r.e. which is a pity. maybe one day ......
It did become a real drag to even look at it.
an extract from link above .. aka chasing bullshit down the rabbit hole ....
So what exactly are the DOB issues that are still generally some disagreement, and why would these still be important to
some people long after the DOB had finally been fairly well pinned down to a point that most observers could at least
accept and agree upon?
First imagine you have been tasked with writing up a Biopgraphy on a person other than yourself.
Here's the short list to the best of my memory thus far of what one is being confronted with regarding Paul and when he
was born:
1) There is very substantial evidence the DOB may in fact be the 23rd of Oct., 1909.
2) There is substantial evidence that Paul's full name at birth may actually have been Jacob Paul Twitchell, and not John
3) The WWiK item uses both John Paul, and one of the Bibles dates being 10/22/1908 - how could that have come
about, some people wonder?
4) Paul used a 1912 date for his marriage to Camille in 1942, and birth record putting his name as Jacob Paul.
5) Paul used a 1922 date for his marriage to Gail in 1964.
6) Until the day he died, Paul's stories about going to India and meeting Sudar Singh predominantly revolve around him
going there in the late 1930's; but he sure wasnt a teenager then as the stories suggest.
7) Paul did not graduate High School in Paducah until May 1931; the WWiK suggest it was in 1928 which is the
expected time duration for one born 1908/09;
8) Paul's stories about his Grands suggest that he graduated HS with TOP marks when he was still only 15 years of age,
which places this as in May 1925.
9) Paul's repeated stories about his birth suggest he was born during or just after a major earthquake in the area. This is
not about any 1812 earthquake in the region. Yes was an earthquake near Paducah in late October 1909 (and in no ther
nearby years) reported in the local regional papers as bing in the early morning of the 23rd .. not the 22nd.
10) Paul appears to religiously used a 22 day date at all times that we know about.
11) The 22nd October also manifests as the Eckankar new year; and the specific date that says when the change from
one master to the next always ocurrs. If it is the DOB is actually 23rd, are there implications in that for Eckankar?
12) Harold Klemp drew a direct connection between Paul chnaging various aspects of history, to that of tax evasion. He
appears to base that upon his own reading of Paul's original archive in Harold's possession.
13) Doug, with support from Patti and Gail, suggests that there other valid reasons why Paul was coy about his real age,
and DOB, and that it has to do with "breaking free of lower world illusions"and not judgeing people by their DOB etc.
14) David Lane and others see it as still more evidence that paul was unreliable and not credible; and that also spills
over into the teachings he gave out, and other issues of his credibility.
15) Eckists generally take the view, that whatever happened or why, it has no imapct on the validity of his teachings.
16) Paul's SSN is noted on his death certificate, showing a 1922 DOB. In the USA one needs an offical Birth cert. copy
in order to obtain a SSN.
17) Paul's SSN associated with his 1912 DOB is not the same as above.
18) What ever happened to Paul's SSN based upon his own WWiK 1908 DOB?
19) Over time, the number has been used for more diverse purposes than simply taxes, essentially making it a de facto
national identification number. The SSNs were issued by the Social Security Administration in November 1935 as part
of the New Deal Social Security program.
20) To get a SSN - You must present your birth certificate if you have it or can easily obtain it. If not, we can consider
other documents, such as your passport to prove age. Social Security must verify a birth record for all U.S.-born
applicants or any age who apply for an original Social Security number.
Well, that's the short list of related DOB issues I can come up with off the top of my head.
Each person is quite capable of deciding for themselves if any of these issues are important to them in any way.
Hope that helps.
2012-06-02 PTHA Copyright © Twitchell Eckankar History Archive All Rights Reserved
Disclaimer Fair Use: This article is presented strictly in the public interest for research purposes.
All the copyrights of materials reproduced here are the properties of their respective owners.
[PTHA 2012] Paul Twitchell DOB issue 1908 1909 1912 1922.txt[15/11/2014 10:45:58 AM]
what is not easy is locating all the verifiable evidence.
on balance common sense can work well enough.
using only the evidence and various reports that does exist on the twitchell archive is sufficient to conclude
and using the other parts of the known context about PTs life and story telling and short comings.
Providing a false DOB in a marriage license is a felony crime for both Twitchell's marriages.
holding multiple SSNs is also a felony crime.
splitting one's income across several fake IDs is also a felony crime.
copying other people;s published copyright books and writings is not merely "plagiarism" it is outright copyright infringement and liable for Civil court proceedings.
Eckankar and before that Gail Twitchell were being sued by copyright holders. That is clear (?) from the eckankar gail twitchell contract for the sale of Pauls rights to his writings. It is why she sold them - she could not afford to defend the court cases and besides that she KNEW she would lose any such case on her own .... plus $250,000 was nice gift - eckankar had bigger pockets and could make out of court settlements, which they obviously did .... and then a few books and booklets were no longer printed. eg The Far Country .
plus possibly The ECK-YNARI The Secret Knowledge of Dreams, 1980 ( P Twitchell & D Gross, OOP), The Spiritual Notebook, 1971, The ECK-VIDYA: Ancient Science of Prophecy,