Tisra Til
2021-12-01 17:31:31 UTC
The medical establishment, through the mainstream media, treats us to endless scares about viral epidemics: polio, AIDS, hepatitis C, SARS, avian flu, swine flu, Ebola, and now COVID-19. But as Torsten Engelbrecht, Dr Claus Köhnlein and their coauthors explain in their hard-hitting and exhaustively documented book Virus Mania (3rd ed., 2021), this fearmongering, which proves very profitable to the pharmaceutical industry, ignores the fact that the existence, pathogenicity and deadly effects of contagious viruses have never been proven, even though the technology required to do so has existed for nearly 100 years. As Dr Etienne de Harven puts it: ‘We are not witnessing viral epidemics; we are witnessing epidemics of fear’ (p. 13).
To prove the pathogenicity of the ‘polio virus’, a sample of spinal tissue or faeces from a person or animal affected by polio (which could have contained all sorts of contaminants) was injected into the brains of animals. If the animals became ill, this was blamed on a virus, yet no attempt was made to isolate and purify it, image it with an electron microscope and characterize its genome. The viruses used in the two vaccines produced in the late 1950s and early 60s were grown from monkey cells treated with a human excrement suspension; the first one was withdrawn as unsafe in 1961. The CDC estimates that 87% of polio cases in the US between 1973 and 1983 were caused by vaccination. To make it look like the vaccines were working, many cases of polio were reclassified as acute flaccid paralysis or Guillain-Barré syndrome (Vaccination and homeopathy). The paralytic symptoms of polio can also be caused by toxins contained in insecticides and pesticides.
The AIDS scare broke out in the early 1980s and was said to pose a threat to the whole of humanity. The retrovirus supposedly responsible – HIV – has never been isolated in purified form. Its existence was originally inferred by observing reverse transcriptase activity in cells, but all cells are capable of displaying this property. To decide whether someone is ‘HIV positive’ the virus hunters do not look for the virus but use indirect methods, such as HIV antibody tests, PCR viral load tests, and helper cell (T-cell) counts – which Engelbrecht and Köhnlein call ‘as uninformative as a toss of a coin’. None of the proteins detected in HIV antibody tests are specific to HIV, and nearly 70 medical conditions (including tuberculosis, influenza and malaria), together with certain vaccinations and even pregnancy, can give a positive result.
In wealthy countries nearly all AIDS patients are men who lead a promiscuous lifestyle and consume toxic drugs and medications. In poor countries a much larger proportion of the population has AIDS, men and women are equally affected, and most of those suffering from AIDS are malnourished. In rich countries people are diagnosed with AIDS if they test positive in an antibody test and suffer from at least one of 26 well-known diseases, including Kaposi’s sarcoma, Hodgkin’s disease, shingles and tuberculosis. In most of Africa, patients can be diagnosed with AIDS simply because they have a combination of three or four symptoms such as chronic diarrhoea, prolonged fever, persistent cough, weight loss of at least 10%, and generalized itching. According to computer models, millions of Africans are dying of AIDS, but population figures contradict this. The ‘answer’ to AIDS has been to administer large quantities of highly toxic drugs, which often cause further immunosuppression, but also have the advantage of boosting the coffers of big pharmaceutical companies. The drug doses used today are smaller than in the 1980s, so patients live longer. (See HIV=AIDS=Death.)
The hepatitis C virus (HCV) supposedly causes liver damage. It was invented in 1987, after researchers found fragments of genes that were presumed to belong to a new virus. But nobody has ever detected such a virus in the blood of hepatitis C patients, and gene particles classified as the hepatitis C virus have been found in people with negative antibody tests. Most HCV-positive patients have no disease symptoms at all (not even in the liver), yet are treated with toxic medications that are known to destroy liver cells. Liver damage appears to be primarily caused by alcohol and drug abuse; almost 80% of drug addicts are HCV-positive. Once again, millions of dollars are being made by selling drugs and treating people for an often nonexistent problem, and we are still waiting for the predicted liver cirrhosis epidemic.
A wave of hysteria about SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) erupted in November 2002. It was sparked by a few cases of pneumonia in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, yet people are constantly contracting pulmonary infections and dying. The existence of the SARS coronavirus has not been proved, and 30% of patients with SARS symptoms failed to test positive for it. Material assumed to contain the virus was injected into some macaque monkeys through their throats, noses and under their eyelids, but they only developed mild symptoms, including lethargy, rash and breathing difficulties. The monkeys had been anaesthetized with ketamine, which can cause precisely these symptoms. As usual, there was no control group of animals receiving the same injections but without the alleged virus.
A virus should attack all age groups, but SARS largely spared children, and no epidemic occurred among healthcare workers. SARS patients were given all sorts of harmful antiviral and antibiotic medications that can trigger the symptoms they’re supposed to fight. When the panic was over, doctors and researchers realized that the aggressive treatments had probably killed a lot of patients (Crowe, 2020d). According to the WHO, there were only 800 probable SARS fatalities in the first nine months after the outbreak began. But the hysteria caused more damage to the Asian economy than the Boxing Day 2004 tsunami, which claimed 230,000 lives.
To prove the pathogenicity of the ‘polio virus’, a sample of spinal tissue or faeces from a person or animal affected by polio (which could have contained all sorts of contaminants) was injected into the brains of animals. If the animals became ill, this was blamed on a virus, yet no attempt was made to isolate and purify it, image it with an electron microscope and characterize its genome. The viruses used in the two vaccines produced in the late 1950s and early 60s were grown from monkey cells treated with a human excrement suspension; the first one was withdrawn as unsafe in 1961. The CDC estimates that 87% of polio cases in the US between 1973 and 1983 were caused by vaccination. To make it look like the vaccines were working, many cases of polio were reclassified as acute flaccid paralysis or Guillain-Barré syndrome (Vaccination and homeopathy). The paralytic symptoms of polio can also be caused by toxins contained in insecticides and pesticides.
The AIDS scare broke out in the early 1980s and was said to pose a threat to the whole of humanity. The retrovirus supposedly responsible – HIV – has never been isolated in purified form. Its existence was originally inferred by observing reverse transcriptase activity in cells, but all cells are capable of displaying this property. To decide whether someone is ‘HIV positive’ the virus hunters do not look for the virus but use indirect methods, such as HIV antibody tests, PCR viral load tests, and helper cell (T-cell) counts – which Engelbrecht and Köhnlein call ‘as uninformative as a toss of a coin’. None of the proteins detected in HIV antibody tests are specific to HIV, and nearly 70 medical conditions (including tuberculosis, influenza and malaria), together with certain vaccinations and even pregnancy, can give a positive result.
In wealthy countries nearly all AIDS patients are men who lead a promiscuous lifestyle and consume toxic drugs and medications. In poor countries a much larger proportion of the population has AIDS, men and women are equally affected, and most of those suffering from AIDS are malnourished. In rich countries people are diagnosed with AIDS if they test positive in an antibody test and suffer from at least one of 26 well-known diseases, including Kaposi’s sarcoma, Hodgkin’s disease, shingles and tuberculosis. In most of Africa, patients can be diagnosed with AIDS simply because they have a combination of three or four symptoms such as chronic diarrhoea, prolonged fever, persistent cough, weight loss of at least 10%, and generalized itching. According to computer models, millions of Africans are dying of AIDS, but population figures contradict this. The ‘answer’ to AIDS has been to administer large quantities of highly toxic drugs, which often cause further immunosuppression, but also have the advantage of boosting the coffers of big pharmaceutical companies. The drug doses used today are smaller than in the 1980s, so patients live longer. (See HIV=AIDS=Death.)
The hepatitis C virus (HCV) supposedly causes liver damage. It was invented in 1987, after researchers found fragments of genes that were presumed to belong to a new virus. But nobody has ever detected such a virus in the blood of hepatitis C patients, and gene particles classified as the hepatitis C virus have been found in people with negative antibody tests. Most HCV-positive patients have no disease symptoms at all (not even in the liver), yet are treated with toxic medications that are known to destroy liver cells. Liver damage appears to be primarily caused by alcohol and drug abuse; almost 80% of drug addicts are HCV-positive. Once again, millions of dollars are being made by selling drugs and treating people for an often nonexistent problem, and we are still waiting for the predicted liver cirrhosis epidemic.
A wave of hysteria about SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) erupted in November 2002. It was sparked by a few cases of pneumonia in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, yet people are constantly contracting pulmonary infections and dying. The existence of the SARS coronavirus has not been proved, and 30% of patients with SARS symptoms failed to test positive for it. Material assumed to contain the virus was injected into some macaque monkeys through their throats, noses and under their eyelids, but they only developed mild symptoms, including lethargy, rash and breathing difficulties. The monkeys had been anaesthetized with ketamine, which can cause precisely these symptoms. As usual, there was no control group of animals receiving the same injections but without the alleged virus.
A virus should attack all age groups, but SARS largely spared children, and no epidemic occurred among healthcare workers. SARS patients were given all sorts of harmful antiviral and antibiotic medications that can trigger the symptoms they’re supposed to fight. When the panic was over, doctors and researchers realized that the aggressive treatments had probably killed a lot of patients (Crowe, 2020d). According to the WHO, there were only 800 probable SARS fatalities in the first nine months after the outbreak began. But the hysteria caused more damage to the Asian economy than the Boxing Day 2004 tsunami, which claimed 230,000 lives.