Post by Etznab10:20
video at bottom page. They lied in order to sell the vaccine!
See 10 minutes, 20 seconds.
So it's not like they never stretched the truth about a vaccine before.
I've had my first, of Astra Zenica. I'm not worried at all about
catching COVID, not living where I do in Western Australia, but I got it
because if I expect to ever resume working in international concert
tours then those who've been vaccinated are more likely to get to work
with international crews. Almost all the big shows we get here are from
the USA; COVID is now under much better control over there than last
year but still, it's pretty rife in certain sectors.
There are most certainly risks with the current vaccines, and they are
absolutely a rush job compared to the usual regime of development and
testing. I would expect newer and better generations of COVID vaccines
to start appearing later.
I got a bit of a reaction from my first jab, I had a pretty unpleasant
headache with some mild feverishness for a couple of hours, and I felt
nauseated. Not enough to throw up. Weirdly, after it settled down, I got
the same reaction again but milder about 24 hours later, for an hour or
so the next night. I'd had my jab in the early afternoon, felt
absolutely nothing for about 8 hours, then the reaction came later.
My mother's best friend, in her early 80's, was told by her GP that you
didn't have to wait 12 weeks between the 1st and 2nd shots of Astra
Zenica, go ahead and have it now when she was at about 5 or 6 weeks from
the first shot (it might have been less than that). Well, she ended up
in hospital, and they told her that this doctor was absolutely wrong for
people in her category, with Astra Zenica elderly people especially
cannot have their 2nd shot that close to the first. I'm still waiting
for my 2nd, in about 2 weeks that will be the 3 months since I had my first.
A few days after I turned 50 they made AZ available to over-50's, so for
the reasons above I decided to get it done. It was very easy, straight
through, I was in and out and all done in about 25 minutes including the
15 minutes sitting in observation waiting to see in case I had an
immediate bad reaction. Since then they've started saying, nope, not
recommended for under 60's any more, but with the huge Delta strain
outbreak in Sydney and surrounding areas of New South Wales, they're
urging people to consider AZ if they're younger... there seems to be
some conflict between the advice from the medicos and the politicians,
who are the ones urging everyone from 18 y.o. to "strongly consider" AZ,
since that's the one vaccine Australia has plenty of stocks of. The bad
publicity and changing advice has made people reluctant to get it, or at
least to wait and see what happens with it.
I'm hearing that if you have your first shot with AZ and the second with
Pfizer, that appears to give you the best immunological protection from
COVID currently available, but that is NOT universally agreed among the
researchers, even those who suggested it are saying it's really too
early to be sure. However, I wished I'd held out for Pfizer once they
started changing the advice re. AZ, so if I *can* get Pfizer for my 2nd
shot I will. They're also revising up the apparent effectiveness of AZ,
and revising it down for Pfizer, but again, the early evidence suggests
a mix of the two is best.... that sounds acceptable to me.
Australia continues to do the lockdowns pretty well (except for those
FREAKIN' MORONS!! with their "freedom rally", Oh No don't make us wear
masks it infringes on our civil rights!!, so we're throwing a Super
Spreader event amid the Delta outbreak just to prove a point), but has
totally dropped the ball on the vaccine program. They're crying that
they couldn't get adequate supplies of Pfizer, while the millions of
doses of AZ they *have* got are going to waste while people aren't sure
whether to get them or not. But in fact, Pfizer offered to make a deal
with the Aust. federal govt. to supply vaccines long ago and the govt.
actually turned them down, apparently because they believed they had it
covered (exactly how, they're not saying). So now, they just announced a
new deal with Pfizer for 85 million doses over 2 years, to get everyone
done who hasn't had it yet and to have booster shots available for next
year (AFAIK Australia's current population is a bit over 26 million).
While the USA is at well over 60% of people vaccinated, last I heard
we're at about 13%... yeah great job guys, way to go. We've got our
doubters like anywhere else but in the main, especially working people
are quite happy to get the shot so they can officially go back to work
and reopen their businesses, and all that.
There certainly are problems with the current 1st-generation COVID
vaccines and these are well documented, but state and fed. govt's here
are jumping pretty hard all over the outright misinformation and
fabrications out there, as well as the plain old nutjobs. There are
definitely plenty of those; when I say jumping on them they're not
resorting to actual censorship AFAIK, just countering with the official
line. The smart thing to do is *admit* the problems but keep them in
perspective, as the risks are really very low and the number of people
affected is very small. Certainly a tiny fraction of the risk that the
virus itself poses... if that doesn't sit right then consider the risks
to jobs and liberty while governments are still at the lockdown stage. I
personally think my chances of exposure to COVID, living in Perth, are
negligible, but I got my shot for work reasons. If I lived in Sydney
right now, I *would* be getting it as a means of protection against the
Delta outbreak.
BTW, it seems the great majority of those catching Delta in Sydney now
are those who won't observe the lockdown and who do things like refuse
masks and limiting contact. There's a reason ships have had the yellow
flag (contagion) for centuries before they even knew what a disease
really was or how it transmitted - because that's the one means of
actually stopping the thing that actually works, absent effective vaccines.
Seems such a shame to have gone through all the lockdowns and economic
devastation, just for the government to so badly drop that vaccination
ball and put us half a year or more behind where we could and should be
with getting to grips with the virus.