Post by Henosis SagePost by Henosis SagePost by Henosis SagePost by Henosis SagePost by Etznab"Yes. [... .]"
An example of Paul Twitchell using eck master fiction to portray the idea of an ancient teaching from an ancient lineage of masters.
"Anyone following the path of ECKANKAR cannot go through a day satisfied that he has read some truth in the morning or that he is going to hear some truth in the afternoon or evening. There must be a conscious realization of truth going on all the time. This does not mean he is going to neglect his human duties and activities. It means that he is going to train himself to have some area in his consciousness always active in truth. Whether we look at the forms of nature as trees, flowers, or oceans, or whether we are meeting people, we find some measure of God in each experience. We train ourselves to behold the presence and activity of God in everything around us and live within the Word."
(Eckankar borrowed, compiled, copied, paraphrased, plagiarized version - The Key to Eckankar, Paul Twitchell - pp. 41-42)
"The student of spiritual wisdom cannot go through his day, satisfied that he has read some truth in the morning, or that he is going to hear some truth in the afternoon or evening. There must be a conscious activity of truth going on all the time. That does not mean that we neglect our human duties and activities; it means that we train himself to have some area of consciousness always active in truth. Whether we look out at forms of nature such as trees, flowers, or oceans, or whether we are meeting people, we find some measure of God in each experience. We train ourselves to behold the presence and activity of God in everything around us and to abide in the Word."
(Joel Goldsmith version, Practicing The Presence - p. 23)
So Paul Twitchell and Eckankar borrowed from other authors and, instead of crediting the authors, they made up fictional masters said to come from an ancient lineage of Eckankar masters? And this is the ancient teaching of Eckankar since the dawn of history?
But where are the real ancient masters? Where is the real ancient lineage?
Numerous books borrowed from were not written by ancient authors. So where are any real ancient masters who contributed? They are imaginary?
Personally I think Paul Twitchell and Eckankar made / make it up as they went / go along. And this is very different from information passed on by word of mouth from real masters in an unbroken ancient lineage. I wonder why people don't find this a necessarily important point to clarify?
Hi etz, came across this little video i'view as per the topic. all these kind of incestuous relationships // themes // ideas // ideologies // and similarities that arise and have done forever // for long long time. People keep arriving who re-invent the wheel in their own likeness // culture. (eg Twitchell//Hubbard and the brash american style of new age ,masters / guides in the 60s that arose)
The Hermetic Tradition and Hermes Trismegistus with Gary Lachman
extract fwiw ....
one of Frances Yeats books on the
Hermetic tradition refers to the birth
of the Rosicrucian movement and the idea
we've talked about in other interviews
that there are these hidden masters who
are in touch with the perennial
philosophy and are in their own way
guiding the evolution of the human race
well this I said this kind of golden
chain of these teachers the sages who
pass on the teaching he not got absorbed
into the general kind of Western
esoteric kind of consciousness and and
it turns up in in different ways in
modern times I would say yes yes the
gross secretions were kind of the first
hidden masters in the sense that well we
don't even although maybe hidden dazeem
quite the right word because no one ever
any of them so they were they ever
existed not any real sense still remains
a kind of you know talking point as it
were but I mean the story is that the
early 1600s in Kassel Germany these sort
of pamphlets appeared announcing the
arrival of this Brotherhood on the
Brotherhood of the rosie cross and they
were announcing this general reformation
of europe and it was along the lines of
what i was talking earlier this kind of
new world of religious religious
tolerance and sort of sharing of
knowledge and also sort of healing the
healing the sick this was another part
of the the Rosicrucian thing with people
with the whole idea they would go and
share their medical knowledge and just
as jesus you know he healed this is one
of the things he did so and Hermes is
also sort of the inventor of medicine
and all things of that sort and over
different you know over time other
pamphlets appeared and people started
wondering who were these people because
they were saying please come and join us
if you want to take part in this
wonderful transformation that's going to
take place soon
this was a period when edouard schure appeared too ... aka the twitch Rama story et al in twitch's spiritual notebook.
The Great Initiates by Edouard Schure 1884 - Thesophy Rudolph Stiener links
Twitch is much closer to a professor david lane or a Gary Lachman than everyone is willing to admit. and face up too.
he lacked the requisite university discipline for accuracy and evidence based conclusions (and maturity/honesty) is all.
(the dreaded) Jordan B Peterson
3.76M subscribers
Lecture I in my Psychological Significance of the Biblical Stories series from May 16th at Isabel Bader Theatre in Toronto. In this lecture, I describe what I consider to be the idea of God, which is at least partly the notion of sovereignty and power, divorced from any concrete sovereign or particular, individual person of power. I also suggest that God, as Father, is something akin to the spirit or pattern inherent in the human hierarchy of authority, which is based in turn on the dominance hierarchies characterizing animals.
12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos:
Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief:
I could re-write all that into the NU-Man Vardankar ECK Marman Masters 12 rules for life and their 12 Wisdom Temples' Spirito Planes of Meaning .....
but but but Rumi and Twitch are soooooooooooo very special ..... (big sigh)
I am not pushing Petersen .... he's an example of thousands upon thousands of others.
Biblical Series III: God and the Hierarchy of Authority
•7 Jun 2017
Jordan B Peterson
3.76M subscribers
Although I thought I might get to Genesis II in this third lecture, and begin talking about Adam & Eve, it didn't turn out that way. There was more to be said about the idea of God as creator (with the Word as the process underlying the act of creation). I didn't mind, because it is very important to get God and the Creation of the Universe right before moving on :) .
In this lecture, I tried to outline something like this: for anything to be, there has to be a substrate (call it a potential) from which it emerges, a structure that provides the possibility of imposing order on that substrate, and the act of ordering, itself. So the first is something like the precosmogonic chaos (implicitly feminine); the second, God the Father; the third, what the Christian West has portrayed as the Son (the Word of Truth).
and on and on it goes.
HEY, FROM VERY LEFT FIELD .. (remember George Lakoff ideas re politics the familiy etc ??)
1. Introduction to Human Behavioral Biology
•2 Feb 2011
(March 29, 2010) Stanford professor Robert Sapolsky gave the opening lecture of the course entitled Human Behavioral Biology and explains the basic premise of the course and how he aims to avoid categorical thinking.
Good huh? ;-)
ok quick look at the great initiates by schure
go to page 162 to pick up here
this example kind of explains my meaning ....
13. The Radiance of the Solar Word
Such is the legend of Krishna, reconstructed in its organic whole and placed in
historical perspective.
It sheds a vivid light on the origins of Brahmanism. Naturally it is impossible to
establish on the basis of actual documents that behind the myth of Krishna is a
real person. The threefold veil which covers the evolution of all oriental religions
is thicker in India than elsewhere. For the Brahmans, absolute masters of Hindu
society, sole guardians of its traditions, often remolded and transformed them in
the course of ages. But they faithfully preserved all the basic elements, and if
their sacred teaching has changed with the centuries, its core has never been
touched. Therefore, unlike many European scientists, we do not explain a figure
like Krishna by saying that it is "a fairy tale drawn out of a solar myth, with a
philosophic fantasy to cap it all." We do not believe that this attitude explains
how a religion was established which has lasted thousands of years, has
produced a marvelous poetry and several great philosophers, has resisted the
strong attack of Buddhism,20 the Mongol and Mohammedan invasions and the
English conquest, preserving even in its extreme decadence, the feeling for its
unknown and exalted origin. A great man is always involved in the origin of a
great institution. Considering the dominant role of the character of Krishna in
epic and religious tradition, his human elements on the one hand and his constant
identification with God manifest, or Vishnu, on the other, it behooves us to
believe that he was the creator of the Vishnu cult which gave Brahmanism its
power and its prestige. It is therefore logical to admit that in the midst of the
religious and social chaos which the invasion of naturalist and passional cults
made in primitive India, an enlightened reformer appeared who revived the pure
Aryan doctrine with the idea of the Trinity and the Divine Word made manifest,
who put the seal on his work by the sacrifice of his life, thus giving India her
religious soul, her national impress and her definitive organization.
Krishna's importance will appear still greater and of a truly universal nature if we
recognize that his doctrine contains two basic ideas, two organizing principles of
religious and esoteric philosophy. I am speaking of the organic doctrine of the
immortality of the soul or progressive lives through reincarnation, and his
teaching of the Trinity or the Divine Word revealed in man. I have but briefly
indicated the philosophical import of this major concept which, when thoroughly
understood, brings about life-giving results in all domains of science, art and life.
In conclusion, I shall confine myself to a historical remark.
The idea that God, Truth, Infinite Beauty and Goodness are revealed in
conscious man with a redemptive power which rises to the heights of heaven
through the power of love and sacrifice -- this idea, fecund above all others,
appears for the first time in Krishna. It is personified at the moment when,
forsaking its Aryan youth, humanity is about to sink deeper and deeper into the
worship of matter. Krishna reveals the idea of the Holy Word; humanity will no
longer forget it. Humanity will thirst even more for redeemers and sons of God
as it realizes its decadence more keenly. After Krishna, the Solar Word shines
powerfully in the temples of Asia, Africa and Europe. In Persia, it is Mithras,
reconcilor of the luminous Ormuzd and somber Ahriman; in Egypt, it is Horus,
son of Osiris and Isis; in Greece, it is Apollo, god of the sun and the lyre; it is
Dionysius, awakener of souls. Everywhere the solar god is a mediating god, and
light is also the Word of Life. Is it not also from this that the Messianic idea
comes? Be this as it may, it is through Krishna that this idea entered the ancient
world; it is through Jesus that it will spread over the entire earth.
In the remainder of this secret history of religions, I shall show how the teaching
of the divine Trinity is linked to that of the soul and its evolution, and how and
why they are implied in and complement one another. Let us say at once that
their point of contact forms the vital center, the glowing crux of esoteric
doctrine. In observing the great religions of India, Egypt, Greece and Judea
merely externally, one sees only discord, superstition, chaos. But, investigate the
symbols, question the Mysteries, look for the basic teaching of the founders and
prophets, and harmony will be observed. By varied and often indirect roads one
will finally recognize that to fathom the arcana of one of these religions is to
fathom the arcana of all the others. Then a strange phenomenon comes about. Bit
by bit, but in a widening circle, one sees the doctrine of the initiates shine in the
center of religions like a sun, while each single religion appears as a different
planet. With each of them we change atmosphere and celestial orientation, but it
is always the same sun which lights our way. India, the great dreamer, plunges us
along with herself into the dream of Eternity. Grandiose Egypt, of deathly
austerity, invites us to the journey beyond the grave. Enchanting Greece
transports us to magic festivals of life and gives her Mysteries the character of
alternating charm and terror, and of her eternally passionate soul. Finally,
Pythagoras scientifically formulates esoteric teaching, gives it perhaps the fullest
and soundest expression it has ever had, for Plato and the Alexandrians were but
its popularizers.
In the jungles of the Ganges and the solitudes of the Himalayas we have seen the
source of this esoteric teaching.
Notes for this lecture:
20. Sakia-Muni's greatness resides in his sublime charity, in his moral reform
and in the social revolution he brought about through overthrowing the ossified
castes. But Sakia-Muni added nothing to the esoteric doctrine of the Brahmans;
he only revealed certain parts of it. Its psychology is fundamentally the same,
though it follows a different path. (See my article on La Legende de Bouddha in
Revue des Deux Mondes, July 1,1885)
If the Buddha is not represented in this volume, this is not because we do not
recognize his place in the series of the Great Initiates. Rather it is because of the
special plan of this book. Each of the reformers or philosophers selected is
intended to show the doctrine of the Mysteries in a different aspect and at
another stage in its evolution. From this viewpoint, Buddha would represent a
needless repetition in connection with Pythagoras, through whom I developed
the doctrine of reincarnation and evolution of souls, on the one hand, and on the
other, with Jesus Christ, who promulgated for the West as well as the East, the
ideal of universal Brotherhood and Love.
As for the book Esoteric Buddhism by Sinnet, which in some respects is very
interesting, worthy of being read, and whose origin many people attribute to self-
styled initiates still living in Tibet, it is impossible for me, until otherwise
informed, to see anything in it but a very clever compilation of Brahmanism and
Buddhism, with certain ideas borrowed from the Kabbala, Paracelsus, and a few
thoughts from modern science.
HERMES: The Mysteries of Egypt
The Great Initiates .....end quote