Old sacrifice the young
(too old to reply)
2021-11-13 13:05:24 UTC
Someone gave a message to the world.

Tisra Til
2021-11-13 22:31:54 UTC
Post by Etznab
Someone gave a message to the world.
I don’t think they are afraid of that, IMO. They are afraid because the ruse is being exposed, a ruse that has been going on for decades, if not centuries. The aristocracies of Europe, which have covered most of the globe now. Their “new world order”, or “great reset” plan has been discovered and exposed, and they are trying to fool the rest of the world into buying into it before it’s too late. That’s why this Emergency Use Authorization was brought out VERY quickly; in the US at least, and I suspect most other countries followed their lead - seeing as the WHO and the AMA (American Medical Association) were both Rockefeller creations; the pushing of drugs as the first line of defense; petroleum-lased drugs. Gates. Eugenics. It’s all related. Getting rid of the “useless eaters,” as they call them.

The propaganda they have been perpetuating is more than obvious. I thought it was a psy-op from the beginning, and my opinion hasn’t changed. Manchurian Candidate. Brainwashing 101. If ffs Fauci is not the perfect mouthpiece for them, I don’t know who is. People who knew him or met him, like Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test, or Dr. Peter Navarro, one of Trump’s inner circle, thought he was an idiot, or didn’t know what he was talking about (I can give links to what they said on camera, if you don’t believe me, and want to verify it yourself).

Of course you will never see them or their opinions on any mainstream media outlet. Their pharmaceutical-billionaire owned masters would never let that happen. I think “they” want the whole world to BE communist China, with them dictating from the helm. Why do you think the rest/most of the world’s governments (I.e. those who are part of the ruse) jumped in bed so quickly with COMMUNIST China? To be surveilled 24/7 with the “vaccine passport”, tattoo, digital chip under the skin, anywhere on the planet. “Where’s your papers sir?” “Oh, sorry love. You can’t fly to another state without your “papers”. And all of your boosters (all 15 of them) must be up to date before you can fly with us. Thank you. Have a glorious day.” “Thanks a lot, Fhurer cat.” 🤦‍♂️

Call me paranoid, or whatever epithet you choose. If it doesn’t play out like this, and the masses will revolt against this totally corrupt system, I will be elated. If it does, I won’t be surprised. But as the ancient mantra goes, “power corrupts. absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Maybe it’s reached that point, and it’s time for a complete overhaul. From the ground up. Push the “Master” off his throne. Build a more inclusive system. Weed out the little Caesars. The foxes in the henhouse.
Henosis Sage
2021-11-14 01:29:27 UTC
Meanwhile in the real world of regional australia ... life moves on. Nth NSW is the anti-vazzer / hippy / alt lifestyle capital of australia. I love the place.

quoting news article - ‘It sucks’: how parts of NSW’s northern rivers reluctantly got vaccinated

It’s fair to say the people in the northern rivers of New South Wales generally do not like being told what to do by the government.

In a region with a free-thinking, anti-authoritarian reputation, and a long history of anti-vaccination sentiment, the requirement to get the Covid jab for work or leisure purposes was never going to find a warm welcome.

“I’ve never been vaccinated in my life but I decided I needed to do it because I’m a film-maker and I need to travel a lot,” Jahvis Loveday says. “I just feel it sucks that we have to be forced to do it, but it’s a different world.”

There is simmering anger and a sense of weary resignation as people submit to the vaccination. The issue continues to divide families and strain friendships. Finding locals willing to openly declare they have been vaccinated is a challenge.

Yet despite the antipathy, the drive to get the population vaccinated is gathering momentum. As of 7 November, 85.5% of Byron shire residents had received their first dose and 75% their second. The numbers are similar in the Tweed shire where first-dose vaccination stands at 89.8% and second dose at 80.1%.

Dr Robyn O’Grady, who has been working as a GP in Byron Bay and Suffolk Park since 2017, hopes people are thinking about the vulnerable in the community and the lack of hospital beds in the region.
“Coercion. All the reasons they are making you get it: travel, work, trying to get interstate”, he says through his well-fitted mask.

“I don’t really have any faith in [the government] running anything and I don’t feel they’re being fair. It seems quite tyrannical. If they’d just explained things better, people would have done it. Now they’re just forcing people and there’s confusion that goes along with everything. Nothing has been clear from the get-go.”
Edan Agarom, who has spent time in lockdown in Melbourne, has a more prosaic reason.

“I just want to go to the pub,” he says. “It’s been months – I just want a beer. I know that for a lot of people it’s a difficult decision and a tough dilemma [to get vaccinated] but the way that things are looking right now, we’re living in a new world and it’s a tough sacrifice.”
read the rest interesting dte report about life .... and it's simple pleasures and people's realistic approach to what is, is.

The bottom line?

A clear majority of people in the world simply don't care .... if they need to have a vaccine they will get it so they can be Free to get on with their lives. aka shit happens.

Socially accepted norms, and rules define all our lives. Most we simply take for granted and never question evne those that are irrational and archaic and freedom infringing.

Just a few thoughts.

Henosis Sage
2021-11-14 00:27:47 UTC
Post by Etznab
Someone gave a message to the world.
one can say the same thing about the climate change summit too.

the boomers wantonly (or ignorantly, makes no difference) are sacrificing the younger generations.

and that is sick, it;s just sick.

but it is what it is.

apologies for the distraction. there's a lot of truth in what he said about covid vaccines and the over the top fear mongering ... while some extreme caution is also quite sane too. besides, Malone is equally a fearmonger.

there is a distinct lack of evidence on all sides of the covid, and so much is already distorted twisted in the public domain. just as wmd was. as aids was.and abortion still is. Merely saying confusion and extreme positions widely varying opinions and beliefs are the norm. so, each to their own ..... make your best call without any reliable data facts and sheer luck of it passing your eyes. and so on. :)