Post by EtznabPost by KinpaPost by EtznabPost by EtznabPost by fifePost by EtznabPost by EtznabThe Masters and Their Duties; subsection 2. WHAT IS A GENUINE MASTER?
"The Master is the only man manifesting in history in whom individualism and universalism are combined in their full expression, in spite of the assertion of some philosophers that such a combination is impossible. That is, the Master stands alone, is a law unto himself, does what he pleases, has what he wants, comes and goes absolutely at his own will, and asks no favors of no man. Neither can any man hinder him in the execution of his will. He is the only man who has no need to ask favors of others. He has all things at his own command. If he suffers hardships or inconveniences, that is because he chooses to do so for some purpose. He is the supreme giver, not a receiver; that is, he always pays for what he gets. He is slave to no one, is no time server, is bound by no rule or custom outside of himself and is a citizen of the whole world. [...]
"There is but one to whom the Master bows in humble submission - the Supreme Lord, Sat Purush. His sovereign will is the only law the Master recognizes, that and the universal law of all laws - love [word "love" in italics]. [... .]"
- The Path of the Masters, by "Julian Johnson", copyright 1939, 16th Edition 1997, pp. 180-181
That was from Chapter 3 in a book written by Julian Johnson. The name for the chapter was The Masters and Their Duties; subsection 2. WHAT IS A GENUINE MASTER?
The "Master" who inspired Johnson's book was the Radhasoami master Maharaj Sawan Singh. His picture is here.
"The ECK traveler is the only man ever manifested in all history in whom individualism and universalism are combined in their full expression. That is, the spiritual traveler stands alone, is a law unto himself, does what he pleases, has what he wants, comes and goes absolutely at his own will, and asks favors of no man. Neither can any man hinder him in the execution of his will. He is the only man who has no need to ask favors of others; he has all things at his own command. If he suffers hardships, or inconveniences, that is bacause he chooses to do so for some purpose. He always pays for what he gets. He is not a slave to anyone, is no time server, is not bound by any rule or custom outside of himself, and is a citizen of the whole world.
"There is but one to whom the spiritual traveler bows in humble submission - the Supreme SUGMAD - Lord of All things in the highest height of the spiritual worlds. ITS sovereign law is the only law the spiritual traveler recognizes ,and the universal law of all laws - Wisdon, Power and Freedom!"
- The Far Country, Copyright 1970, by Paul Twitchell 2rd Printing 1972, pp. 120-121 ("Rebazar Tarzs speaking" to Paul Twitchell)
Paul Twitchell was a known plagiarist punished for his actions. He continued after that to copy more and more authors, with credit given to names like Rebazar Tarzs, etc. People have asked about Rebazar Tarzs and why would an eck master plagiarize so extensively? Why would an eck master lie about so much vital history?
The most important thing, perhaps, is whether Rebazar Tarzs actually was who Paul Twitchell said he was. Also what other people say / said and believe he was / is?
For example. Was / is Rebazar Tarzs a true historical living being? Was / is he a cover name for Paul Twitchell's extensive paraphrases, plagiarisms and copying, etc.? Big difference between real and unreal.
Mr. Johnson wrote about living masters; what they were like, their duties, etc. And he was writing about real living people, not imaginary beings made up to fool people into believing so many things that are not true. He wrote about the real thing, not imaginary placebos.
My comments are not meant to be vindictive, but simply commentary about what is the actual vs. imaginary truth. People fed untruth and partial truths for years will not easily let go even when the truth is shown to them. It's not just about fake news stories that so many want to believe in. It's also about made up pseudo history and religion. People often go off the deep end after you repeatedly show them the truth that they can't handle. Defending their fake pseudo truth(s) with more and more directed at their critics. IMHO.
Why doesn't the current leader of Eckankar take dictation from a Rebazar Tarzs? My guess is that he knows better. Paul Twitchell died a long time ago and long before so many people learned about his extensive copying and pseudo history. His successor (Darwin Gross), who was later named by Paul Twitchell's widow (the same who also married him for a time), was not so forthcoming about his predecessor's plagiarisms, etc. (even though Paul's widow would later, on at least two occasions, reportedly tell others that Paul made so many things up. So, IMHO, the current living master CANNOT get away with doing what Paul Twitchell did. Like plagiarize so many books and claim that Rebazar was the author. Look on the official Eckankar website and where the leader says Paul got his writings from. Why doesn't it say that Paul got his copied, paraphrased, plagiarized compiled words from Rebazar Tarzs?
How about because it is not really true that Rebazar Tarzs was a plagiarist? Paul Twitchell was the plagiarist, former pulp-fiction writer and "rascal" who didn't always tell the truth.
What do you believe, how do you justify what you believe, and what have you decided is the truth about all this?
Pissing down everyone's neck every time you post just pisses people off and makes them want to come after you. It's got nothing to do with your veracity. If you really want to question Eckankar, learn how to question its ontology and epistemology.
Oh. Now it's Fife.
Usually you jump on every are post and respond quickly. Especially posts by me. So where were you when I wrote about Kinpa, Fife and Atzumi? Funny thing that. Another reason I doubt your sincerity, because you can't criticize Kinpa; one of the most vile posters in a.r.e. history. Is this because you are Kinpa and can't criticize (let alone write to) yourself on a.r.e.?
But you can criticize me alright. And practically every post that I write going on years now. And you do it similarly as Kinpa. Like an immature adult with a bone to pick.
You already know what I believe, Fife. I believe in the plain and simple truth(s) about Eckankar, Eckankar masters and history.
Eckankar, the truth, is not some fantasy novel with a cult of people raising holy hell with everybody who doesn't believe and live in their imaginary la la land. Eckankar, the truth, is not a bunch of Kinpa's and Fife's disrespecting and twisting around the truth.
Paul Twitchell and Eckankar promote copied words under the guise of Eckankar masters, promote the pseudo history and religion concocted years ago, but with a few revisions. You know this, and I think your alter ego Kinpa knows it well too. In my opinion it's you and Kinpa who want to push the old eckankar spells of illusion and control the narrative.
Rebazar Tarzs and the Eck masters are like the saints in other religions you say? Every religion borrows from those before it and evolves the teachings (good stuff) says Kinpa? I don't like to always share the truth, because (like Paul Twitchell) I feel it's sometimes more fun to find out on your own, says Harold?
Oh really? How about stop cheapening the image of real masters and real history because some people are too gullible, or ignorant to know the truth from fantasy? Or want to get powerful and rich from converting as many as possible to believe in fictions?
For Fife the truth is piss.
For Kinpa the truth is poop.
This is what I hear you guys saying.
You forgot to clarify that you mean only YOUR truth, or your impression/understanding/interpretation of what is truth. And I never said the truth was shit, I said that the way you react to the things you find is shit. There is a large difference between the two. Buy a clue. Get a life.
This is history that you can confirm.
The quotes by Paul Twitchell can be clarified. 1963 and 1969 have Paul Twitchell as source. For The Far Country book, published around 1970 - the same year that Eckankar became a religion - Paul has the words coming from Rebazar Tarzs.
Many years before any of what Paul Twitchell wrote, history confirms what Julian Johnson wrote.
The link shows examples of What Paul Twitchell wrote, and it shows what Paul claimed that Rebazar Tarzs said. Rebazar Tarzs came into the picture later. And You say Rebazar Tarzs didn't plagiarize, but that Paul Twitchell did. O.K. No argument there. You also say that plagiarism doesn't prove that Rebazar was a fake master?
Kinpa. How can those words belong to Rebazar Tarzs? Where is the history that he spoke them to Paul Twitchell? IOW, Where is the history of a Rebazar Tarzs.
My truth you say? It looks like you are simply hard-headed when it comes to acknowledging certain truth based on who illustrated them.
Doug Marman. Will you accept his truth?
"[...] The only area that I don't think looks good is Paul's lack of crediting his sources, to the point of making it look like he, or Rebazar Tarzs, was the original source. This looks especially bad these days, since copyright law has become much more controlled and publicized. However, it doesn't appear to have been much of a problem while Paul was alive. [... .]"
"Paul fictionalized his accounts, because he was an experienced writer and knew that stories were far more effective than lectures. Paul set himself up as simply a seeker, in The Tiger's Fang, because he knew from experience that people learn very differently from those who come across as authorities, than from someone who they can identify with, who is describing a personal experience. He created the dialog with Rebazar Tarzs, in The Far Country, because this was a much more effective and interesting way of communicating, than simply pontificating."
The Tiger's Fang was one of the first published Eckankar books. The apologist says: "He created the dialog with Rebazar Tarzs, in The Far Country, because this was a much more effective and interesting way of communicating, than simply pontificating."
I would add: "Created with copied, paraphrased and plagiarized words."
Created? Fictionalized? Faked? What don't you understand, Kinpa?
Another Doug Marman truth.
"Strange as it may seem today, back when Paul began writing his books, such as The Far Country, the creation of myth was still seen as a necessary requirement of most spiritual paths."
Rebazar Tarzs was created? Fiction? Myth?
Your truth? Doug's truth? My truth? HOW ABOUT THE TRUTH? EVER HEAR OF THAT?
It is true that Doug Marman wrote the quotes I presented. They can be verified as THE TRUTH. IOW, written by Doug.
Doug Marman quotes from May, 1999.
"Paul used a technique known to writers as fictionalization. This is when an author would like to present a bunch of important information but doesn't want to do it in a boring, preaching way, but would rather present the material in a way that not only says something, but also shows something."
"As for the changing of the names, well Paul first offered these manuscripts to Kirpal for him to publish, to help spread the teaching under Kirpal's name. Kirpal rejected them. Paul chose to distance himself from Kirpal, rather than ride on the coattails of Sant Mat. This left Paul free to teach a number of things that are not taught within Sant Mat, and yet teach the ancient truth at the same time."
How did your idol answer the question about fake masters? I already showed you what Doug wrote. Here are some more quotes.
"3. Did Paul Twitchell copy other writers works?"
How did Doug answer?
"Yes. Well, I guess I can give yes or no answers sometimes."
"4. Did Paul Twitchell use other writers words and put his Eck masters names on them as if the Eck Master were saying them?"
How did Doug answer?
He answered: "Yes."
Based on: - A Few Responses - Doug Marman - February 8th, 2004
It's called faking, Kinpa. Paul Twitchell not only faked Eck Masters, he faked a lot of history. A lot of true history.
Now you know about faking, right? All those things you told me that were fake? All the poop accidents. That I was not a member of Eckankar. Rember? And when you faked the expiration date of my membership card? They are just four letters. Just like the names Kinpa and Fife. Let's look at those letters in large caps.
Show me the post I made where " when you faked the expiration date of my membership card." I only presented a picture of MY membership card with the actual expiration date. I never posted your card at all. So by all means, go grab the link for that.
You honestly seem to be rather emotionally unstable and perhaps not mentally balanced. I'm no doctor so i can't offer diagnosis, but you seem unwell at the very least. Now, stop ranting and go grab that post where I offered a picture of an altered membership card with your name and an inaccurate date on it, because I'm certain that I didn't ever do that. I've only asked YOU to take a pic of your own card and post it here so I could see the expiration date, and that AFTER I presented mine. Not rocket science, so why are you having such a hard time remembering what actually happened???
Oh, and grab that evidence that Rebazar Tarzs does not exist while you're making the effort, we may as well kill two birds at the same time. If you're just going to rant and squeal ABOUT the things we disagree on, there is no point responding at all.
Once again, it is VERY simple, put up or shut up.
When you couldn't see my membership card then you went and made one up? Complete with an expiration date? Did you remote view that one too?
IOW, when Kinpa doesn't get what he wants he simply makes up, or imagines what he wants? Even when it is not true and people tell him over and over about it. It's not that you don't appear to know what you said, did. You don't remember even though you were reminded about it over and over. That sounds like a condition to me.
From the definition for fake: As a verb, "to feign, simulate" from 1941.
From definition for feign: dissemble, make false pretenses, lie; pretend to be" (c. 1300)
From definition for simulate: 1620s, "feign, pretend, assume falsely"
Kinpa Wormtongue quote:
"... regardless of what I said about your membership, there is nothing you can do, I also get to have my own opinions, but you know full well that if you look at your card it says the date I gave you, you simply refuse to admit that...."
What's that Kinpa?
These are in chronological order. Look at how he (Kinpa) outright told me I did not have an active membership card and even tried to tell me what was the expiration date of the card. And when that didn't work he tried to backtrack as if he never said what he did.
Kinpa quotes
"Yes, quite like your actions at ARE for the past several years, claiming to have proof of things you cannot prove, and claiming to be an ECKist and yet having no current card....if you'd like to scan a copy of your card and post it here, I would be willing to withdraw that statement, but I think it goes quite a way in proving that YOU have been purposely deceiving others, if not flat out lying..."
"... You have told me you were a member, but that IS a lie, that is the simple fact of the matter, you are NOT a current member of Eckankar, therefore you are most certainly NOT an ECKist by ANY standards! You speak as if you expect that making the CLAIM of being an ECKist has ANY value, however it does not! Yes the card DOES matter! If you were a member and can prove tat, as I said I will retract those words, but you have never proven that, so it is only a CLAIM that is 100% without evidence! [...]
"Your being an "ECKist" is also pay sometimes, and you let it lapse, and then you come here and are anything BUT an do NOT have a current card! THAT is the reason you refuse to show anything, but that isn't surprising, you NEVER show anything! [...]"
"Oct./2014 is not exactly current Mr. McLintock, feel free to deny it and claim I am crazy, your habits are well known, but that cannot change the fact that you KNOW this is true, pull your card out and look at it!"
Note: Text for deleted post(s) is here:
and here:
and here:
"... regardless of what I said about your membership, there is nothing you can do, I also get to have my own opinions, but you know full well that if you look at your card it says the date I gave you, you simply refuse to admit that ... ."
"... much like your false Eckankar membership (which does not currently exist) ... ."
"[...] Richard McLintock! I'd be happy to speak to headquarters and have them get your membership records which at the very least, would prove who was right and who was wrong about that issue. You are completely mistaken if you think that to be some sort of private info! [... .]"
" ... and I still maintain that you do NOT have a card at all! Tough luck I guess! Have a great night richard! ... ."
"That was how this began, I did not ever ask you. I stated that you do NOT have a current one. [...] feel free to prove me wrong!"
"Keep crying and whining each time anyone says a thing that you dislike! Eckankar needs no defense from the likes of you! It amuses me that you think it does however. How flattering that you devote so much of your time to go and dig things up that you try so hard to misrepresent here. Endlessly hilarious! Feel free to not send in your donation to Eckankar! LOL"
"Most just don't care in the long has it been since you were an actual ECKist?"
"Stop masking your own denial! Hilarious! He asked you whether or not you are an ECKist. Why did you not answer him and try to change the subject? I know that you have CLAIMED to be an ECKist, but you have never actually proven that to be true. I like him highly doubt that you are in any way affiliated with Eckankar in the least of may not be your responsibility, but I am calling you a liar for claiming to be an ECKist. You ARE responsible for making false claims. Deal with it. Also, plagiarism in no way disproves the existence of any Masters... Have a great day richie!"
Here is the link for that post.
So Kinpa doublespeak, you say I am not a member and don't have a current card. You respond and suggest I do have a card, and that you know the expiration date. It's all you. The problem is you.
Ever hear of the truth? Your statements were false and fake. But by the way, if you saw my membership card with an expiration date on it, prove it to me. Show me the card. But you can't because you faked all that. It doesn't exist. Did you forget this?
"Oct./2014 is not exactly current Mr. McLintock, feel free to deny it and claim I am crazy, your habits are well known, but that cannot change the fact that you KNOW this is true, pull your card out and look at it!"
That was more than stating your opinion, Kinpa. That was telling me (and everybody who read / reads) your posts false and fake information. More malicious falsehoods by one who doesn't remember.
Did I also explain to you that I called headquarters and told them about an Eckist who lied about my membership information? Did I tell you that the person laughed at your lies? And did I tell you they assured me about confidential information, but you continued to make fake statements about my membership? I think you are the crazy one.
Interesting how all these conversations and topics, but Fife has suddenly clammed up. The same Fife who had a habit of responding to practically every post, often multiple times.
Fife is mostly silent when Kinpa is posting. Kinpa is mostly silent when Fife is posting. Seldom, if ever, do they appear and respond at the same time; or have conversations with one another. That is just a little more than curious, IMO.