Post by Henosis SagePost by Henosis SagePost by Henosis SagePost by Henosis Sagebat cornoa virus and anthrax and more ... it is alledged ....
USA defense dept has been, still is, operating "Biological research facilities" in Ukrainian, has been for years.
via tucker carlson fox news and nuland in congress today
in congress under oath ..... oops
"So we are working with the Ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces should they approach," Nuland said.
there's other reports it is real VIA RUSSIA MOD , not only via Nuland.
alleging orders in ukraine to destroy documents/materials ? etc
COULD BE HYPERBOLE ..... who knows???
Moscow believes that Washington needs to inform the international community about the military biological programs that were implemented in Ukraine, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said at a briefing on Wednesday.
"We confirm that the facts that came to the light during Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine point to the Kiev regime’s attempts to urgently cover up the traces of military biological programs," she noted. "It was not about peaceful scientific research because these programs were financed by the US Department of Defense," she added.
"We believe that the US Department of Defense and the US presidential administration need to inform the international community - doing it officially rather than through their ‘talking heads’ - about the programs that were implemented in Ukraine," Zakharova emphasized.
"Your research, your biological materials, particularly used for military purposes, turned up in Ukraine in the first place. What were you doing there? It is another continent, you don’t share a common border and there are no bases of yours," she noted. The Russian diplomat stressed that the world needed to know what the US intended to do there, what was the goal and how much investment had been made into Ukraine’s biological activities.
Zakharova went on to say that employees of the Ukrainian biological laboratories had provided documents about the emergency destruction of highly dangerous pathogens, including those of plague, anthrax and cholera, which had taken place on February 24. "It can be concluded that components of biological weapons were being developed in Ukrainian biolabs located in close vicinity of our border. The emergency destruction of dangerous pathogens on February 24 was a necessary step aimed at concealing the fact that Ukraine and the US had violated Article 1 of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention," the Russian diplomat explained, adding: "The question is: how was it all destroyed? And was it completely destroyed?"
The American authorities previously admitted that Ukraine hosts "biological research facilities", expressing concerns they could come under the control of Russian forces.
The Russian Defence Ministry on Thursday announced that the US-funded biological labs located in Ukraine were conducting experiments with bat coronavirus samples.
"According to the documents, the American side planned to conduct work on pathogens of birds, bats, and reptiles in Ukraine in 2022, with a further transition to studying the possibility of carrying African swine fever and anthrax", chief spokesman for the Ministry of Defence Major General Igor Konashenkov said.
Kiev Regime Sought to Scrub Evidence of Pentagon-backed Biowarfare Programme, Russian MoD Reveals
sample of alledged documents
The Russian Defence Ministry on Thursday announced that the US-funded biological labs located in Ukraine were conducting experiments with bat coronavirus samples.
"According to the documents, the American side planned to conduct work on pathogens of birds, bats, and reptiles in Ukraine in 2022, with a further transition to studying the possibility of carrying African swine fever and anthrax", chief spokesman for the Ministry of Defence Major General Igor Konashenkov said.
In addition, the facilities were studying the possible spread of pathogens via wild birds, migrating between Russia, Ukraine, and other countries in the region.
"The purpose of this - and other Pentagon-funded biological research in Ukraine, was to create a mechanism for the covert spread of deadly pathogens", he added.
the above are news reports are from media sources now banned in the USA and EUROPE
it might be propaganda .... i do not know .... but what nuland said, she said.
who knows what else she knows but did not say?
and again fwiw
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov denied Ukrainian claims that Russian troops had shelled an operating maternity hospital in Ukraine. The building had been used as a base by the far-right Azov Battalion of the Ukrainian National Guard, the top Russian diplomat claimed on Thursday, during a press conference in Turkey.
The hospital in question has been for days under the control of a Ukrainian paramilitary group and Moscow presented evidence of this to the UN Security Council several days ago, Lavrov said.
“The Azov Battalion (A NEO-NAZI GROUP) and other radicals kicked out all the expectant mothers, the nurses and other staff members. It was the base of the Azov ultra-radicals,” he said, speaking after meeting his Ukrainian counterpart Dmytro Kuleba in Turkey’s Antalya.
Lavrov added that reports coming from Ukraine that contradict this were obviously meant to “manipulate global public opinion” about what is happening in the country, and he also chastised Western media for taking part in the propaganda effort.
“I have seen reports … that were really emotional. Unfortunately, the other side of the situation, which would allow one to form an objective opinion, was not given any prominence,” Lavrov said.
Lies on top of lies on top of other lies.
Tucker: We should be very concerned about this
"You can tell tucker has struck a nerve. There were about 8 articles published today slamming him for one reason or an other."
And not only lies about and by ukriane or russia but abut everything. I think the house of cards is falling down now.
from wars, to economics, to covid, to bioweapons, to wars, to coups, to social media manipulations, supply chains broken, inflation, extreme stock markets, with corruption everywhere, to climate change and rapidly increasing extreme weather events feedbacks all over .... and at the centre of it all cabals of extreme wealth and media propaganda and worse.
You’ve Been LIED To About Why Ukraine War Began,
Lies on top of lies on top of other lies. creating crazy beliefs and reactions everywhere.
twitchell and eckankar lies on a global scale
(a post went missing .... I think the world is in a very bad place atm., very bad. )
anyway found this might help ....As today’s piece should remind us all, historian Alfred McCoy has long had a unique way of looking at the vast landmass of Eurasia and its role in imperial history. If you want to get the true background for his new essay (as well as for the nightmarish ongoing war in Ukraine) from the sixteenth century to the present, make sure to get your hands on his latest Dispatch book, To Govern the Globe: World Orders and Catastrophic Change.
Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping in the Struggle over Eurasia
By Alfred McCoy
Just as the relentless grinding of the earth’s tectonic plates produces earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, so the endless superpower struggle for dominance over Eurasia is fraught with tensions and armed conflict. Beneath the visible outbreak of war in Ukraine and the U.S.-Chinese naval standoff in the South China Sea, there is now an underlying shift in geopolitical power in process across the vast Eurasian landmass — the epicenter of global power on a fast-changing, overheating planet. Take a moment to step back with me to try to understand what’s now happening on this increasingly embattled globe of ours.
If geology explains the earth’s eruptions, geopolitics is the tool we need to grasp the deeper meaning of the devastating war in Ukraine and the events that led to this crisis. As I explain in my recent book, To Govern the Globe: World Orders and Catastrophic Change, geopolitics is essentially a method for the management of empire through the use of geography (air, land, and sea) to maximize military and economic advantage. Unlike conventional nations, whose peoples can be readily mobilized for self-defense, empires are, by dint of their extraterritorial reach and the perils inherent in any foreign military deployment, a surprisingly fragile form of government. To give an empire a fighting chance of survival against formidable odds requires a resilient geopolitical architecture.
there is so much that has been denied and ignored over the years ..... the current delusions over ukraine russia n armerica et al are the most extreme i have ever seen. thanks to lying intel services, politicians/officals and the media everywhere. it's quite disgusting what's been done .....
America’s Collusion With Neo-Nazis
Neo-fascists play an important official or tolerated role in US-backed Ukraine.
By Stephen F. Cohen
May 2, 2018
Cohen begins: The orthodox American political-media narrative blames “Putin’s Russia” alone for the new US-Russian Cold War. Maintaining this (at most) partial truth involves various mainstream media malpractices, among them lack of historical context; reporting based on unverified “facts” and selective sources; editorial bias; and the excluding, even slurring, of proponents of alternative explanatory narratives as “Kremlin apologists” and carriers of “Russian propaganda.”
§ That the snipers who killed scores of protestors and policemen on Kiev’s Maidan Square in February 2014, thereby triggering a “democratic revolution” that overthrew the elected president, Viktor Yanukovych, and brought to power a virulent anti-Russian, pro-American regime—it was neither democratic nor a revolution, but a violent coup unfolding in the streets with high-level support—were sent not by Yanukovych, as is still widely reported, but instead almost certainly by the neofascist organization Right Sector and its co-conspirators.
§ That the pogrom-like burning to death of ethnic Russians and others in Odessa shortly later in 2014 reawakened memories of Nazi extermination squads in Ukraine during World War II has been all but deleted from the American mainstream narrative even though it remains a painful and revelatory experience for many Ukrainians.
§ That the Azov Battalion of some 3,000 well-armed fighters, which has played a major combat role in the Ukrainian civil war and now is an official component of Kiev’s armed forces, is avowedly “partially” pro-Nazi, as evidenced by its regalia, slogans, and programmatic statements, and well-documented as such by several international monitoring organizations.
Nothing in Putin’s statements over 18 years in power are akin to fascism, whose core belief is a cult of blood based on the alleged superiority of one ethnicity over all others. As head of a vast multiethnic state, such statements by Putin would be inconceivable and political suicide. There are, of course, neofascist activists in Russia, but many of them have been imprisoned. Nor is a mass fascist movement feasible in Russia where so many millions died in the war against Nazi Germany, a war that directly affected Putin and clearly left a formative mark on him. Though born after the war, his mother and father barely survived near-fatal wounds and disease, his older brother died in the long German siege of Leningrad, and several uncles perished. Still more, there is no anti-Semitism evident in Putin. Indeed, it is widely said, both in Russia and in Israel, that life for Russian Jews is better under Putin than it has ever been in that country’s long history.
§ We are left, then, not with Putin’s responsibility for the resurgence of fascism in a major European country, but with America’s shame and possible indelible stain on its historical reputation for tolerating it even if only through silence.
§ Or that Israel’s official annual report on anti-Semitism around the world in 2017 concluded that such incidents had doubled in Ukraine and the number “surpassed the tally for all the incidents reported throughout the entire region combined.” By the region, the report meant the total in all of Eastern Europe and all former territories of the Soviet Union.
Americans cannot be faulted for not knowing these facts. They are very rarely reported and still less debated in the mainstream media, whether in newspapers or on television. To learn about them, Americans would have to turn to alternative media and to their independent writers, which rarely affect mainstream accounts of the new Cold War.
'neo-fascists' like i am thinking of marcos in the phillipines, pinochet in chile, several in central & south America, military juntas in argentina n greece and indonesia and elsewhere. ....... always backed in by AMERICA ..... now ukraine may not be as bad as some of those but that the facts n history are denied is the problem here. it is kinda sickening, there is so much deception and lying going on now. yes trump was full of shit a massive liar and yet even russiagate was a lie too. the whole pile of politics in the US is disgusting.
here another pov that mirrors my own thoughts .....
Stop This Imperialist Russian War
March 10, 2022
Stop This Imperialist Russian War
We must press the war masters on both/all sides of the Ukrainian conflict to negotiate for peace since there’s no social justice, no democracy, and no livable ecology for the common good on a war-levelled planet any more than on a climate-baked Earth.
extracts ...
“The Last Thing the U.S. Wants is for Peace to Break Out”: Hence “the New Winston Churchill”
On the morning of Monday, March 7, Reuters reported the Kremlin’s offer to immediately cease hostilities – to end its military actions “in a moment” – if Ukraine and the West do four things: cease military action as part of a wider ceasefire; change Ukraine’s constitution to enshrine neutrality, meaning pledge to stay out of NATO; acknowledge Crimea as Russian territory; recognize the separatist republics of Donetsk and Luhansk as independent states. In other words, the Minsk Accords.
The offer received little if any attention in the big three cable news networks (CNN, MSNBC, and FOX) entrusted with manufacturing mass consent to US and Western imperialism. As my correspondent Frank Hughes explains:
“Basically the Minsk Accords which Russia has agreed to in principle all along and the us has consistently scuttled. As [Russian foreign minister Sergi] Lavrov has stated on multiple occasions, ‘they refuse to negotiate.’ The last thing the US wants at this point is for peace to break out. From the US perspective the more dead Ukrainians, he better. Ukies need to wake up. There’s no doubt about who will ‘win’ this and Russia’s offer is not going to get any better.”
As another correspondent, Terry Thomas reflected on Tuesday morning:
“I have checked all over the internet and see no reference this peace offer anywhere. Everything is ‘Biden to prohibit Russian energy imports.’ Also, and this is rich, apparently kissing Maduro’s ass to try to get oil from Venezuela. Just saw an article referring to Zelensky as a new Winston Churchill. And my guess is Biden wants to humiliate and completely defeat Putin, probably wants him gone. Then he can announce to the world that freedom has prevailed and get a big boost in his flagging approval ratings. The idea of rational conclusion to this bloody chapter may have gone away when Russian troops crossed the border, which would help explain [Washington’s] apparent refusal to really negotiate with Putin prior to invasion. Perhaps they were not completely displeased when the shooting started.”
It’s a shame, likely to kill a large number of soldiers and noncombatants. Instead of dismissing and burying Putin’s peace offer, the West should, well, negotiate to save lives and to pre-empt the slide to great nuclear power conflict. As the bloody battle for Kyiv beckons, what in the name of God would be so horrible about (a) pledging Ukrainian neutrality (maybe this could be negotiated down from a constitutional change), (b) officially accepting the fait accompli of Crimea’s incorporation into Russia, and (c) recognizing independence (or perhaps negotiating increased autonomy) in the two Russian-speaking breakaway provinces? How many more Russian and ordinary troops and how many Ukrainian civilians needs to die so that some version of the Minsk Accords can’t be implemented? Is the prevention of official Ukrainian neutrality and demilitarization really worth tens if not hundreds of thousands of deaths and potential escalation to nuclear winter? Seriously?
The alternatives are not pretty and the likelihood of decent outcomes with accepting some version of the terms offered are not high. “Putin won’t back down without some sort of win… If things carry on as they are,” professor Hill writes. Further:
“the result will eventually be diplomatic discussions about just the sort of terms Putin has put forward — but after countless additional deaths and unimaginable suffering in Ukraine. The likelihood of Ukraine fighting Russia to the point at which Putin is willing to drop any demands is still extremely low, no matter how many weapons the West provides Ukraine. There’s a chance Putin will be overthrown, but at this moment in time that too is unlikely. Putin has more support in Russia than many western commentators seem willing to admit, and currently has a firm hold of the reins of power…A long, drawn-out war and the impact of sanctions will drain Russian support for Putin’s war, but we shouldn’t underestimate the strength of Putin’s resolve or patriotic elements within Russia.”
Wise words.
what is happening there and global cheer squads is insanity writ large.