Post by Azutmaisign . . . you are absolutely right. It doesn’t advance anyone towards spiritual understanding. This is what YoU left behind this lifetime. Ignorance is more than a virtue . . . it is bliss . . . to these people. It is self-protection. It’s what keeps them from looking . . . and certainly from recognizing. But this is *their* state of consciousness . . . this is *their* approach right now. Ridicule and mockery goes a long way out in the masses. It does work. What they do not recognize is . . . once past this state . . . how easily and quickly it can be recognized . . . and acknowledged for what it is. In a sense . . . it is the way of “the masses.” Twisting things, mis-quotes, name-calling, outright mockery, ridicule . . . all give rise to the egotistical belief that they are the “superior” one. They will keep this going until death . . . and beyond.
Azutmai, Would you defend the lies this person spread?
Since you like to judge the people in this group. Judge that and tell me what you think. This way I will know for sure how similar you and Kinpa might be.
It's a little strange that Kinpa didn't address you here on this board. Didn't have anything to say to you even when people compared you to him.
You, of course, did address Kinpa:
"[...] Kinpa . . . thanks for whatever you did in the past. If you shook their tree . . . you have been of service. I have NO idea who you were . . . but evidently . . . we are much alike. In that respect alone . . . I humbly greet you as a friend. [... .]"
So you thank him for what he did and greet him as a friend without even looking to see what he did? Have a look. This individual repeatedly made up lies and repeatedly denied having done so. Instead tried to put the blame on those he lied about.
These are in chronological order. Look at how he outright told me I did not have an active membership card and even tried to tell me what was the expiration date of the card. And when that didn't work he tried to backtrack as if he never said what he did.
Kinpa quotes
"Yes, quite like your actions at ARE for the past several years, claiming to have proof of things you cannot prove, and claiming to be an ECKist and yet having no current card....if you'd like to scan a copy of your card and post it here, I would be willing to withdraw that statement, but I think it goes quite a way in proving that YOU have been purposely deceiving others, if not flat out lying..."
"... You have told me you were a member, but that IS a lie, that is the simple fact of the matter, you are NOT a current member of Eckankar, therefore you are most certainly NOT an ECKist by ANY standards! You speak as if you expect that making the CLAIM of being an ECKist has ANY value, however it does not! Yes the card DOES matter! If you were a member and can prove tat, as I said I will retract those words, but you have never proven that, so it is only a CLAIM that is 100% without evidence! [...]
"Your being an "ECKist" is also pay sometimes, and you let it lapse, and then you come here and are anything BUT an do NOT have a current card! THAT is the reason you refuse to show anything, but that isn't surprising, you NEVER show anything! [...]"
"Oct./2014 is not exactly current Mr. McLintock, feel free to deny it and claim I am crazy, your habits are well known, but that cannot change the fact that you KNOW this is true, pull your card out and look at it!"
Note: Text for deleted post(s) is here:
and here:
and here:
"... regardless of what I said about your membership, there is nothing you can do, I also get to have my own opinions, but you know full well that if you look at your card it says the date I gave you, you simply refuse to admit that ... ."
"... much like your false Eckankar membership (which does not currently exist) ... ."
"[...] Richard McLintock! I'd be happy to speak to headquarters and have them get your membership records which at the very least, would prove who was right and who was wrong about that issue. You are completely mistaken if you think that to be some sort of private info! [... .]"
" ... and I still maintain that you do NOT have a card at all! Tough luck I guess! Have a great night richard! ... ."
"That was how this began, I did not ever ask you. I stated that you do NOT have a current one. [...] feel free to prove me wrong!"
"Keep crying and whining each time anyone says a thing that you dislike! Eckankar needs no defense from the likes of you! It amuses me that you think it does however. How flattering that you devote so much of your time to go and dig things up that you try so hard to misrepresent here. Endlessly hilarious! Feel free to not send in your donation to Eckankar! LOL"
"Most just don't care in the long has it been since you were an actual ECKist?"
"Stop masking your own denial! Hilarious! He asked you whether or not you are an ECKist. Why did you not answer him and try to change the subject? I know that you have CLAIMED to be an ECKist, but you have never actually proven that to be true. I like him highly doubt that you are in any way affiliated with Eckankar in the least of may not be your responsibility, but I am calling you a liar for claiming to be an ECKist. You ARE responsible for making false claims. Deal with it. Also, plagiarism in no way disproves the existence of any Masters... Have a great day richie!"
Atzumai, here it is in case you missed it:
"Your being an "ECKist" is also pay sometimes, and you let it lapse, and then you come here and are anything BUT an do NOT have a current card! THAT is the reason you refuse to show anything, but that isn't surprising, you NEVER show anything! [...]"
"Oct./2014 is not exactly current Mr. McLintock, feel free to deny it and claim I am crazy, your habits are well known, but that cannot change the fact that you KNOW this is true, pull your card out and look at it!"
Note: Text for deleted post(s) is here:
and here:
and here:
Now I challenge you to describe what you think of a person who published those lies.
(BTW, the person at ESC laughed when I told them what another Eckist said about my membership status and membership card online. In fact, we both laughed; at Kinpa's stupidity!)