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In 1970, Paul Twitchell wrote about The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad, Volume One. He also wrote a 2nd volume that same year.
"... the second volume takes up the symbolism of what we know as 'the book of coming forth by day.' [....]"
[Based on: ECKANKAR: ILLUMINATED WAY LETTERS 1966-1971, by Paul Twitchell (Copyright 1975 by Gail Twitchell Gross), p. 182]"
The earlier year Paul Twitchell mentioned the "living ECK Master" term (See Paul Twitchell Wisdom Note for February 1969) and the Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad (at 3rd WWS, Oct.-Nov. 1969). In February 1970, The "MAHANTA, the living ECK Master" term was used. [See Paul Twitchell Wisdom Note for February 1st, 1970.]
In short, the 1970 decade saw the beginnings of certain key Eckankar dogma (both of the Shariyats, oft referred to as Eckankar "bibles") along with the beginning of Eckankar as a non-profit religion [07/01/70). Of historical note is that Paul Twitchell's health would suffer that same summer and he would not live to the end of the following year (d. 09/17/71). IOW, a lot happened in just over two short years (fall 1969 - fall 1971).
The reason for introducing the 1970s decade is simple. It was a decade that saw allegations of plagiarism and also various other topics that Doug Marman would later address at length. I thought it necessary to introduce the beginning of the decade properly.
One of the most heavily copied Eckankar books was The Far Country, Copyright 1970. Add this to the other trivia given thus far. Again, I think it bears repeating that a lot happened is just a couple short years in Eckankar history. Stranger by the River (with copied material) and Dialogues With The Master (also containing much appropriated material credited to Rebazar Tarzs; just like The Far Country) were copyright in 1970 too!
Remember the two terms I mentioned earlier? Look what appeared in an Eckankar book published in 1970.
[Rebazar Tarzs to Paul Twitchell] "[...] Remember all that has been told you. You are next in line for the spiritual mantle, to become the Mahanta, the living ECK Master.
This is all!"
[Based on: Dialogues with the Master, Original copyright 1970 by Paul Twitchell; copyright transferred to ECKANKAR 1982, Eighth Printing - 1983, p. 238]
Those were the last two paragraphs in the book, BTW. In other words, the last paragraphs added before printing! Yes. A lot can happen in just two short years!
Paul Twitchell's widow married Paul Twitchell's successor (the same one she helped to become his successor) the year after (1972) Paul Twitchell died. By the end of 1973, it was Darwin Gross being referred to as Mahanta, the Living ECK Master.
(BTW. Everybody is invited to correct any errors or dates for the timeline being spelled out here. There are a lot of numbers I am trying to illustrate.)
In the 1970's decade, both Harold Klemp (the current Eckankar leader) and Doug Marman (Author of The Whole Truth) would work in the Eckankar office. Doug Marman would work close to Darwin Gross and Harold Klemp, the 2nd and 3rd modern-day Eckankar leaders.
By 1977 someone had to write a term paper on a new religious movement. Guess which one they chose? You guessed it. Eckankar!
"3. In the Spring of 1977 I [David Lane] took a class on religious cults and sects at California State University, Northridge, where I was majoring in religious studies. One of the requirements was to write a term paper on a new religious movement. I chose Eckankar as my topic of study, since they were (at that time) heavily advertising on campus. [...] "6. As the semester was coming to an end, I had to present my findings to my Professor. He was duly impressed, as was Jim Peebles (an Eckankar member at the time and my classmate), who was also writing a paper and who later left the group (he also got sued, by the way, the next year by Eckankar). 7. I was pretty naive, so I sent a copy of the report to Eckankar. Subsequently, I received a letter from one of their attorneys (Nichols), who threatened to sue me if I ever published my study."
[Based on:]
Needless to say, Doug Marman would later debate David Lane at length. Both publicly online in this very group and in books he wrote on the subject. This thread, REVISITING "THE WHOLE TRUTH", Paul Twitchell & Eckankar, is designed to RELOOK at "findings" of David Lane and Doug Marman. More too the point, it hopes to outline what
A. Doug Marman knew
B. The way(s) that Doug Marman chose to communicate what he knew.
There is a reason for revisiting "THE WHOLE TRUTH" at this time. Can you guess why? No, not to begin a "poetry" contest, but one reason is to highlight the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth!
This next link has info 1970s dates when Doug Marman and Harold Klemp worked together together. Was that 1973 and 1974 when they met at the office? I think so. Early 70s then.
yes I did get to know Harold very
closely when I first started working at
the eckankar office in 73 actually he
showed up in 74 he started working there
we became close friends and I really
looked up to him
At this point I am trying to get an unbiased objective view about who knew what and when.
Evidently, according to previous post, Darwin Gross was Eckankar leader when Doug Marman and Harold Klemp became close friends; 1974, or thereabouts.
Something to note here is any official Eckankar admission of copying, or plagiarism. Was there any?
This would be the time period in about early 1970s, after Darwin Gross married Twitchell's widow. IMHO, Gail Twitchell Gross would have surely known about copying and plagiarism. That is, I think she could have known about "compiled" text appropriated to Rebazar Tarzs, seeing that Paul Twitchell once wrote that both he and Gail were visited by and had talked with him.
Also, Was there any official admission of copying and plagiarism during the whole time of Darwin Gross? What I saw publicly was no admission of plagiarism in The Far Country.
At this point I am checking notes to see what people had said. Including the following.
[...] Paul did not make all the decisions, he had a team of people who gave their input and ideas. These ideas were implemented only after all sides of the idea were discussed. [...] Using the persona of Rebazar was decided by Gail and a few top people in the organization. [...] Gail knew the devise that Paul used to create the concepts of the Eck Master, and the Mahanta. She knew how Paul had used others books to copy from in creating some of his works. But she also knew that Paul did this for a reason and that the only thing that really mattered was getting the Light and Sound into the consciousness of the world. Don't ever think that it did not bother her as to how it was done. [... .]"
[Based on: Soultraveler (Old TS) Post (Impressions of Paul Twitchell and Eckankar: Section 5 -The End of a Creation)
Previous links for that post are no longer working, so it will take some time to locate a working one. I think the greater context is necessary to read along with the sample I gave. In any case though, Did that Eckist person know what he was talking about? Is any of it true?
Judging by many things already written by Doug Marman, I suspect he knew for a long time Paul Twitchell lied and made things up. I think Doug Marman not only knew about this, but I think clearly he considered it not terribly important.
One can search multiple Doug Marman posts for rhyme or reason, but I believe his rationale was present right from the beginning. A rationale that had already stewed for years.
Go back to 1997 and one of Doug Marman's first posts after a.r.e. began. (This one is best read beginning to end in context, yet I give but a taste for now.)
"[...] But the bottom line is: So what? What difference does it really make? Lane suggests that if Paul lied about this, then how can you trust anything he says? Well, for one thing, who says you should trust anything Paul said?
"[...] And once you've gained that connection, who cares if it is fiction? It is certainly fiction of a whole different sort. A fiction that is truer than fact.
"[...] The origins of living teachings cannot be found by tracing historical events, but only by making contact with the higher states of consciousness from where they spring.
"[...] As a story of historical fact, Paul's story may not hold up very well. But that is not what it was meant for. It was intended for connecting us to a reality that is more real than any historical fact. [... .]"
I was not much present when this first appeared here, but many posts I have yet to review. For a long time I've wanted to read the parts I missed and it's helpful to visit these things now.
RE ONE COMMENT BY DOUG BACK WHEN ... that you reference
"Once you gain that inward connection, you have access
to truth through direct perception. Without these inner teachings, you
might as well be reading fiction. And once you've gained that connection,..."
Now, imo, this is consistent through Patti Simpson and Doug and several other HIs and 8ths quoted in the past ...
My point is this ... 1) You do NOT need Eckankar, or Twitchell's writings, or Harold klemp or any eckankar eck masters; nor initiations, nor discourses etc etc to
"have access to truth through direct perception"
but 2) placing one's attention onto such options might prepare the field but that's besides the point. It's NOT a thing learned by ROTE, either (imho)
and 3) in fact TWITCHELL"s writings and lectures and discourses set people OFF IN ALL KINDS OF MIS_DIRECTIONS and DEAD ENDS and mental INSTABILITIES ... AND madness INSTEAD.
and then came Klemps and Darwins' AUTHORITY FREAK OUTS that also harmed people in ways we will never know about.
so lastly 4) ..."once you've gained that INNER connection.." then the last thing you need is ECKANKAR, and you defintiely do not need A Doug Marman or a Patti-Simpson or a Gail, or a harold ....
or a books about RUMI or another book about NANAK, or Paul Twitchell, or "lenses of perception" or the rest of crap being sprouted by MARMAN
THAT'S ALL FICTION NO BETTER THAN TWITCHELL'S FICTIONS AND LIES AND SPIN AND EGO DRESSING ... so people who need this kind of stuff has clearly NOT found the "inner teachings" nor are they "experienced" (but so what anyway!) WHO IS TO JUDGE THAT ONE WAY OR THE OTHER?
DEFINITELY NOT A MARMAN, that is for sure!
So well expressed by "anecdotes" in Twitchell, and Klemp and Marman ... and many other Eckankar apologists here over the decades.
Marman is defending the indefensible and making up excuses fore the inexcusable and the INCOMPETENT and the NARCISSISTIC well out of their depth.
He and Patti S and others are giving CREDIT to Twitchell for something he does not deserve credit for... while giving him a get out of jail free card for the HARM he (Darwin, Klempo and Marman and Gail, and Patti S and others) ) caused to tens possibly hundreds of thousands of people without a care in the world while taking their money hand of over fist for now close to 70 years.
PS the above may not make must sense to many readers; and Marman would surely deny it all ..... no one is as sharp or as experienced as he is ... just ask him, LOL, he'll tell you.
as you know I'm not a member of Eckankar and I don't know much of its
teaching, but I'm always prepared to read a heart-felt response like
this. Pretty rigorous stuff, and I see you mean it when you post it. I
appreciate that.
You don't have to be a member to know about it.
And Paul Twitchell didn't write everything, because he copied a lot. A whole lot! So there are a whole lot of New Age and Mental Science teachings, etc. What people debate is the dogma, the history and mythology.
In organized religions some people are prone to interpreting things literally, and some preachers loathe to tell the actual truth.
"[...] I, for one, love the differences. That we would make different choices, I think is fascinating and makes for interesting discussions and debates. But the painting of each other as if one side is wrong, and the other is right, does surprise me, because I think we all have learned early on in our spiritual search, that the Social Conscience, where the wordly ideas of right and wrong are bandied about, must be abandoned if we are going to find real Truth. [...] There is often talk, when the issue of plagiarism and Paul Twitchell come up, that we should expect more of our spiritual leaders, but this is completely based upon attributing motivations to Paul that we do not know. And as I've just said, this has nothing to do with Paul's role as leader, and what he has brought into this world. [...] One thing I have come to learn from studying the lives of such spiritual leaders, is that they seem to have far less concern for the common worldly ideas of factual truths. They recognize that spiritual Truth cannot be constrained in such straight jackets. And they do understand and see their mythic role that they occupy. Thus, finding discrepencies in their personal lives cannot explain anything. [...] The fact is that these leaders merely represented the forces and teachings that they brought into this world. These leaders were not the sources, but only the carriers of the message. God is the source of all, and the end goal of all spiritual teachings. And yet, as the Sufis say, God gives credit to his messengers."
There was a term in those excerpts from Doug's writings I have seen him use before. The term is "spiritual Truth". And it seems that in Doug's opinion "spiritual Truth" is somehow superior to "worldly ideas of factual truths". I wonder if Doug even realizes how dangerous are his statements about truth and what people should expect from their spiritual leaders.
And the things is, people have given lots of feedback to Doug indicating they don't agree with him. However, Doug appears to continue unshaken from his personal focus like a computer program that cannot be changed.
Marman has a default superiority complex (or choose whatever words suit) in his COMPULSIVE use of the ROYAL *WE*
It manifests (and I and others pointed this out form time to time, but no effect) as Marman ASSUMING he speaks for OTHERS as if he is the ONLY knowledgeable leader around.
SUCH AS ... That we would make
we all have learned
if we are going to
we should expect more
AND WHO THE HELL BELIEVES THAT FACTUAL TRUTHS, FACTS, SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE, HISTORY ETC ARE "in such straight jackets. " ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????
"finding discrepencies in their personal lives cannot explain anything. "
one little quote explains so much that is wrong with MARMAN
"The fact is that these leaders merely represented the forces and teachings that they brought into this world. These leaders were not the sources, but only the carriers of the message. God is the source of all, and the end goal of all spiritual teachings.
The same goes for leaders like Hitler then too then.
sorry about the caps, not shouting or anything.
so was thinking, what's ging on here is Marman's version of cognitive dissonance.
"we" all as humans are susceptible to C-D or buyers remorse and other similar things.
I have issues wiht it, as does all imo, and this excuse making by/denial by Mamran his his special C-D issue .
in hindsight I say this .. when he first started writing dialogues on a.r.e I didn't see it that way.
but then I didn;t know much about marman and what he "really" thought about things.
now I see the hypocrisy of most of his positions and his approach/beliefs about "stuff" and Twitchell in particular.
while defending Paul no matter what ... and dissing Lane, Kirpal, J johnson the MSIA guy and many others ... he really lost touch with reality imo.
in klemps example of overcoming 5 stages of grief it's possibly tied in to the bargaining phase (yes?)
Anyway if Marman wants ot believe that Twitchell and himself Marman are some how connetced in along line of spiritual hierarchy back to Rumi, Nanak and so on .. well he can.
Marman can believe, think and believe whatever he wants to and say it.
That'll be his personal "karma" to deal with. and he already has been dealing with it, or rather confronted with facing it.
but alas, again the cognitive dissonance can protect one form the ruth of it.
Marman's no different than anyone else in that regard imo.
For me, well C-D is still a work in progress .. i guess it never goes away being susceptible to such human traits.
cheers and (whatever)
Yes. The bargaining stage for death of an ideal. Tell me it isn't so. Or maybe we can work it out.
Far as intentions go, I think Paul Twitchell's friend and 1st president of Eckankar had something to say about the matter.
"[...] I confronted him [Paul Twitchell] with what he had done and his answer was 'since the author of the book said it better than I could I copied it.' The trouble is that he never gave anyone credit as to where he got it. [... .]"
I would add that not only did he not give credit, he evidently instead created fictional characters and said he got it from them!
The author said it better than Paul could. And those authors were not Rebazar Tarzs and Eck Masters.
"[...] And as for 'keeping initiations' after one leaves the Teaching where they were given, what does it matter? If it still does matter, then has that person really left?
"Another principle here to remember: That which is granted by God can only be removed by God, but that which is granted by Man can be removed by Man. If you know what I mean. [... .]"
YES, more delusional clap trap .... underpinned by fantasies and disordered beliefs of one's own self-importance and the greatness of their RELIGION over all others ..
aka GUIDED BY GOD .. ACTING ON BEHALF OF GOD ... MARMAN'S FORTE .. no different than twitchell's fictions and Klemps and most other gurus teacechings ... aka the bible says and that's god's word.
childish and haughty clap trap (sorry for repeating myself ...)
regarding MARMAN AT ... "That which is granted by God can only be removed by God"
For me the whole issue comes down to the word "trust". IOW, Marman or whoever can spin it any way they want but IMO it really boils down to an issue of trust. Can the guru - whoever they are - be trusted? Can you trust what they say is true? Have they lied before? Do they have a habit of lying? Of copying other people's words and crediting them to someone else? A fictional character even?
O.K.? So I don't think it is so much about what one says or what they didn't say as much as it is about ARE THEY HONEST? CAN THEY BE TRUSTED TO TELL THE TRUTH?
Go back to the REVISITING "THE WHOLE TRUTH" - quotes list and look at how Marman responds. How many times does he say (in so many words) "So what?" "What does it matter? Etc.
"[...] Lurk, I guess what I'm saying is, if you'd like to discuss these things, as I do, please understand that I'm interested in talking about the whole picture. I'm not particularly interested in talking about some piece of the puzzle out of context with the whole. If that interests you too, then let's pick a subject and try again.
"Like I offered before, I'm willing to tackle any subject you wish to discuss, as long as I can talk about it in context with the whole of the spiritual path.
"Again, thanks for listening."
My comments: Doug's willing to tackle any subject.
I never saw these posts before, but it suits the purpose of looking at Doug's position in context to his whole series of posts over the years.
Yeah well, it;s long long time ago now. Not much if anythign has chnaged.
i scrolled htis post reply by LURK
he hits the nail on the head fwiw ....
"You know what that tells me. You basically are unable to admit to
mistakes you make in communication. It says to me that you are coming
from a place where you don't view me as an equal. It says you are more
interested in being right and only submerged and hide it your self
concept of being "neutral". Why would I think that?
Because if you are really interested in dialog, you would not only
acknowledge my listening to your feedback as you did, you would
acknowledge the feedback I gave you about your posts. (And your "we can
do better" statements in the first paragraph above don't qualify as
acknowledgements in case you think they do.) "
"I want to impress upon you that it is
not "all me," and for you to act like it is, is just another variation
on a theme I've been rebuking continually on this newsgroup. This is
what I mean when I say things are relational. And this is what I mean
when I say each plays a role in creating conditions.
You know what your response prompts me to do? Be more confrontational.
Why? Because I view your response as not seriously wanting to
communicate but to defend by making me exclusively the issue."
note *** confrontational *** see my recent post on maplin thread about this via SCN pov/writings
when Lurk was around i didn't really grasp what he was on about.
soi I must have learned something since then, because he replies make a lot more sense to me than the stuff DM was always spewing.
he was FIXATED on his onw pov while claiming he loved to hear others.
he was/is most self-delusioned aka dysfunctional (but all have issues there)
A man is NO MASTER when he has NO CLUE ( ie lacks self-awareness ) why people are driven to CONFRONT his BULLSHIT ....
That's our Doug alright.
and it;s why he has long record of RUNNING AWAY when confronted like that.
and then he BLOCKS genuine people from discussing it in details.
It's why whatever Doug wants to do, thinks he is doing of late it will lead to a bad end .. especially for those who can;t help but look up to him, put him on a pedestal and swoon in wondrous written / spoken sophistry and beliefs ...
but what's the point of making him the issue?
the time to confront him has long past imho.
imho he's not important enough. the less attention he and eckankar are given the faster they'll evaporate.
but of course there are other sides to the story ... and we can all potentially learn from the past.
anyway whatever. iow I don't so much care about the stuff that makes no sense any more or finding some pat answer or historical event that nails the problems within eckankar or twitchell.
but that's just me hey, other options are ok too.
A part of my interest is the psychology of it all. Namely, What makes people lie in spite of enormous opposition and evidence to the contrary?Most especially in religious circles?
(Sorry. Had to fix some typos.)
It's been this way a long time in the organized religious arena. Not only the propagating of pseudo history as literally true, but the general granting of liberty to charismatic liars good at making things up.
I think this kind of thing should stay in the area of science fiction and not serve as catalyst for war environmental destruction and economical collapse.
The other day I was contemplating that story about The Emperor's New Clothes and ideas of why people would not accept truth when right in front of their faces. One answer that came to me was "peer pressure". The fear of thinking outside the box, or not like "everybody else". Another answer was the simple shock of disbelief, a not wanting to believe something so radically different from the norm.
So for me I am looking at the new Age religion of Eckankar like a symptom in a long line of evolutionary symptoms. I've looked back at history of religion from caveman (and cave women) days, what is the consensus believed today; and up on through hunter gatherer societies, city states, the Dark Ages, the Renaissance, new Age, New Thought, etc. I really like to understand this. It interests me very much. Lying for profit and power and how people manage to get away with it IN SPITE OF the truth standing right next to them and known by a lot of the public.
I wonder. Do people really want Gods so much they're willing to invent them? or allow others to do it for them? Do people really want a Utopian world so much where things are fair, people get along, with no wars, the water and the land pure, etc., that they willingly imagine one (or let others do it for them and write books about it?). Because if these things are really true then maybe they are severe signs of insecurity, or a lacking of the very things they desperately imagine and want to believe?
In any case, "The Days of Marman" for me are like an episode out of Lord of The Rings. One where two forces battled for power. And so it was, at one time here in a.r.e., where Marman and his army of Bright Future apologists rode for the eck brand. You were either with them, or against them. Rode for their brand, or rode for a detractor brand (so to speak). And there were motivations for those things. There were causes and reasons. So I am now looking deeply into those things like with a microscope, and because I missed so much of that dialogue / conversation. What was / is the actual verifiable truth that Marman was / is standing on vs. "more of the same" psycho babble and pseudo imaginary history? This interests me and is why I research and write about it.
This next conversation is rather unbelievable to me.
"Joe, do you really think I was saying anyting as extreme as you are making this out to be?
"Doug, I was quoting you. You called my posting of Paul's quotes 'a true crime against truth.' So I guess the answer here is 'yes.' "
"Here I am talking about trying to bring more balance into our discussions and that somehow becomes the basis for me somehow asking for extreme measures?"
My comments: To be fair, one needs to consider the context here. So here is the link for that purpose.
Harold Klemp didn't use the computer or post online due to EMF radiation, whatever. Point being that he was not online doing one-on-one questions and answers like with the discussions here on a.r.e. Enter, Doug Marman.
IMO it looks like Doug took it upon himself to be the "front man" for Harold Klemp and the Eckankar organization; in spite of his denials that was the case.
Doug tries to separate the organization from the spiritual teaching in a way that defies belief, IMHO.
"[...] Harold specifically gave a number of talks and wrote a number of articles where he explains that Paul was more of a Compiler than original author of the teachings. That was quite a dramatic statement when he made it. Harold talked about Paul's younger life, his stretching the stories of his own past, and how he was often promoting himself in his career as a writer. Harold may have been more polite than you would have been, but I think the points Harold made were definitely dealing with these issues and not in any way making excuses or offering mystical explanations.
"But, once again, why are we making Paul or Harold the issue? Are they really the issue? Doesn't it make more sense to talk about the impacts of the teachings themselves, rather than trying to turn the spiritual path into a personal matter?
"I've often heard the ECK critics on a.r.e. complain about ECKist trying to make them into the point of the discussion. Well, isn't focusing on Paul's or Harold's personal motivations similar, since it is implying that this is a valid way of judging the teachings themselves? [... .]"
Based on: post from December 23rd, 1998 (last post on page)
Why do I see Doug as the "front man"? Maybe I should give a definition.
1. the lead singer of a pop or rock group.
2. a person who represents an organization and works to make its image more appealing to the public.
Doug has denied "representing" the organization. That he was acting all on his own. However, I use the word "front man" in part on account of how many people followed "behind" him and what he wrote. Remember the date here. 1998. This was BEFORE the publishing of Dialogues in the Age of Critisism and The Whole Truth. This was before the SDP (Spiritual Dialogues Project) created by Doug, along with his BB (bulletin board) including Patti Simpson and others. Like it or not, I believe it fair to say Doug was representing Eckankar, even if he wants to call it his "Eckankar".
So already it is 2021. Forty years from the time when Harold Klemp was named the new leader of Eckankar. I believe 1983 was around the time when Harold and Doug reportedly set eyes on files previously in the possession of Harold Klemp's predecessor, Darwin Gross. I'm not sure what exactly to call them. Paul's personal files / writings, or Paul's personal library, etc. Regardless, Doug wrote that Harold was not exactly happy after looking at some things and / or hearing from members asking about Eckankar writings mirroring the writings of NOT ECKANKAR MASTERS, but the writings of various NEW AGE and other authors whose books can be found in the library!
Long story short, this poster believes both Doug Marman and Harold Klemp knew about Paul Twitchell's copying, paraphrasing, plagiarizing and the putting of other author's words into the mouths of the eck masters as if the eck masters were saying them since at least the early 1980s, or close to four decades! The difference being they were privy to EVIDENCE not available to the eyes of the membership and others generally, like as if through some form of Freedom of Information Act, whatever. IOW, what I contend (and are seeing more and more evidence for after reading Doug's early a.r.e. posts) is that Harold and Doug likely knew things beyond the shadow of a doubt for many years already and that both of them have REPRESENTED Paul Twitchell and Eckankar in their own ways.
Fictional characters animated by copied, paraphrased and / or plagiarized writings? What about that? Harold's answer, in short, says that Paul was a "MASTER COMPILER"? Whereas, when it comes to making things up, Doug (in so many words) writes "never mind that"? Or at this point what does it matter? I want to look at the word represent here so people are clear what I mean. A lot of the words from this dictionary include histories; and give the evolution of forms and meanings.
"to bring to mind by description"
Doug wrote at least a couple books already. Before that he wrote reams of posts here at a.r.e. What did he write about? Did he write about Eckankar the teaching, the organization, the spiritual path, etc.? Did he write about the founders of Eckankar and the leaders since the time it was founded? Did Doug Marman link names for historically-known individuals with the spiritual teachings, or Eckankar?
Not to belabor the point, but Doug seems to bring up the topic of "intentions" from various angles. Like (as if in so many words) How can one know the meaning of a person's actions if they don't know their intentions? In part, a potentially dubious answer.
"I've often heard the ECK critics on a.r.e. complain about ECKist trying to make them into the point of the discussion. Well, isn't focusing on Paul's or Harold's personal motivations similar, since it is implying that this is a valid way of judging the teachings themselves? [... .]"
Is there a saying that goes "Wiggle while you work?" Oh no! That was "Whistle while you work." Well ... it looks to me like Doug was not whistling, but more like wiggling. And I say this on account of representing history, actual historical fact and those to whom who it matters both personally and significantly. IOW recorded history and the depiction of it can be a representation of actual happenings and looking at such recordings DOES NOT necessarily depend on the thoughts, feelings, intentions, motivations, etc. of the writer if / when a viewer's primary interest is to clarify FACT from FICTION!
Can Harold, Doug, or members of Eckankar (generally) admit to fictional masters? Can they admit that fictional masters were created for the teachings of Eckankar and promoted by leaders and members of Eckankar for decades? Even as though such eck masters were / are real? Would they, could they admit it while under oath in a court of law? Or for that matter, Have they (anybody) done so already? Because if the latter is the case, I mean if the questions and answer already happened and is on record, Can the public access the court records and read it for themselves? Was there already an official "on the record" admission in spite of that written in the Eckankar books and blogs, etc.? I'm not sure I know there was such an admission. What I suspect, however, is that the scenario is inevitable whereby a defendant may ask the question. The question about are any of the eck masters fictional and How long has the leadership / Eckankar corp. known about it?
It was not solely asking about How Eckankar answered questions, allegations, reports, suspicions, beliefs, etc. about fictional masters. It was asking about whether the Eckankar leadership knew about it? and How long they knew about it? And I mean knew about it via evidence beyond the shadow of a doubt?
Maybe it's best to put those questions and answers beside the questions and answers to and from Doug Marman over the years. Because, to be quite frank, something looks glaringly amiss regarding the discussions I am looking at now. Like the plain truth about masters? Really living? or fictional and imaginary? And not to be misunderstood, I don't dislike all fictional characters. Even fictional masters. Provided I know that they are fictional. What I (and I suspect others too) don't like are fictional masters and imitations sold as the real thing.
Sri Data wrote?
You wrote:
"2. Paul Twitchell claimed that Rebezar Tarz, the Eck master before him, came to him and gave him part of the 'Eck teachings'.
"FACT: Many of the words Rebezar Tarz speaks in Twitchell's books are plagiarized from the works of Julian Johnson."
That was from May 6th, 1999. Not so may years after the debut of personal computers and online chat groups. A.R.E. (this group) began in 1997?
So consider the context here. If nothing else the context of time; IOW, when it appeared in history. And remember, most of these earlier threads I am (perhaps like some other readers here) reading just now.
Doug Marman responded to Sri Data about those quotes I gave. And Sri Data touched on one of my core queries about Eckankar history, so I find this dialogue very interesting. One of my two "core" questions about Eckankar history (since like the time I began posting) involves "Who, or What really is Rebazar Tarzs?"
Let's look at how Doug responded (the thread title I'm quoting from is called: Its not about logic, its about lies).
"Paul used a technique known to writers as fictionalization. This is when an author would like to present a bunch of important information but doesn't want to do it in a boring, preaching way, but would rather present the material in a way that not only says something, but also shows something.
"This is rarely understood by those who haven't spent a great deal of time trying to write: It is not easy to show what you are trying to say, but it leaves a much more durable impression because it comes closer to truth.
"There is no truth in facts, nor for that matter in data. (Sorry to smear your name here.) Facts and data can be interpreted however you would like. So, real truth lies within our inner recognition of it.
"Those who go on trying to spell out the spiritual teachings like it is a laudry list of facts are missing what the spiritual path is all about. Paul cast his writings as a dialogue between himself and Rebazar Tarzs because it showed far more than it could have otherwise. It represented the relationship that the
seeker can have with the Inner Teacher, and the spiritual teachings that are available to the sincere student.
"Like your first point, it is true Paul did not credit the words he used to Julian Johnson, nor the other authors, but this still doesn't discount the teachings themselves. Many authors have written 'I Was There' fictionalized accounts of famous people such as George Washington, Leonardo Da Vinci, or
Madame Curie, but this doesn't mean those people don't exist. Using those people in a fictionalized account doesn't somehow make them disappear, or the message somehow become untrue."
I'll try to keep this short. That said, after reading the first three paragraphs of Doug's response I said to myself: "I think Doug is sick. Like, mentally ill." At least, those were the thoughts that came to me.
Then after reading this part: "Like your first point, it is true Paul did not credit the words he used to Julian Johnson, nor the other authors, but this still doesn't discount the teachings themselves. Many authors have written 'I Was There' [... .]"
Yada, yada, yada. And Paul wrote that he went to Paris France with his sister and stayed at some master's ashram; until people learned it was more like Paris, Kentucky!
For my part, it's not about whether the teachings inspire, etc. Fiction books inspire too, and I do love science fiction movies. My core question concerns What is Rebazar Tarzs? Is he? Was he ever? A real living human being master?
So I read a lot of quotes by Doug Marman who, in the early 1980s after Harold Klemp became Eckankar leader, looked over some of the founder's "personal files / library" along with Harold Klemp and they (according to written testimony by Doug Marman) talked about things.
"[...] A few years after Harold became the Master, he began researching and going through Paul's old files. That was after Darwin turned Paul's library over to Harold. It certainly would be true to say that Harold saw a side of Paul he had not seen before, as did I [Doug Marman] when Harold gave me permission to look through the records. Paul's files gave some interesting insights into Paul's past, which Paul never spoke about. So Harold began to make a more thorough study. [... .]"
[Based on: Doug Marman: Dialogue in the Age of Criticism, Chap. 10]
In sum, it looks to me like Doug has been saying (since at least the 1990s) that Rebazar Tarzs was a fiction. That Paul Twitchell used that name as a fiction.