FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center as promised.
(too old to reply)
Henosis Sage
2015-12-28 01:37:32 UTC
Complaint Referral Form - Internet Crime Complaint Center

Thank you for filing a complaint with the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3).

This is the only reply you will receive from the IC3. Because we receive thousands of complaints per week, we cannot reply to every complaint received or to every request for updates.

However, once we forward your complaint to investigators in the field, they may contact you for further information. Consequently, it is important that you maintain any evidence you have relating to your complaint. Evidence can include canceled checks, credit card receipts, phone bills, mailing envelopes, mail receipts, printed copies of websites, copies of emails, or similar items.

If you wish to view, download, or add information to your complaint, go to https://complaint.ic3.gov/update and log in with the following:

Complaint Id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Password: xxxxxxxxxx

iow Logged, Recorded, Noted, and on File for future reference or action.

(big shrug)
Henosis Sage
2015-12-28 01:46:59 UTC
Post by Henosis Sage
Complaint Referral Form - Internet Crime Complaint Center
Thank you for filing a complaint with the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3).
This is the only reply you will receive from the IC3. Because we receive thousands of complaints per week, we cannot reply to every complaint received or to every request for updates.
However, once we forward your complaint to investigators in the field, they may contact you for further information. Consequently, it is important that you maintain any evidence you have relating to your complaint. Evidence can include canceled checks, credit card receipts, phone bills, mailing envelopes, mail receipts, printed copies of websites, copies of emails, or similar items.
Complaint Id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Password: xxxxxxxxxx
iow Logged, Recorded, Noted, and on File for future reference or action.
(big shrug)
( The Marman effect )

This is the real secret of effective manipulation. If the "target" were solidly convinced they were in

the process of being done in, they'd more likely put up more resistance instead of capitulating.

Manipulators know this. They win by getting the other person to back down or give in.

( The Marman result - even Lane gave up pointing out the lack of logic and common sense - the

blind beliefs and assumptions. )

Gaslighting has come to some prominence lately because several authors have highlighted it as one

of the more crafty tactics psychopaths use to disadvantage their victims. But many character-
disturbed individuals, most especially the aggressive personalities, are prone to using numerous

tactics, including covert techniques, to get the better of their targets.

Their goal is always to win or secure whatever it is they want. And they'll do whatever they have to

do to get it. Sometimes the most effective way to do that is to avoid red-flagging their intentions but

rather get the other person to unwittingly but voluntarily surrender.

Instill shame, instill guilt, instill fear, or instill great doubt, and the other person will likely back off

the stance they really wanted to take.

( Sounds like how many of the eckists in Bright future yahoo group operated. )

I have written a series of articles on the manipulation tactics of covertly-aggressive and other

disturbed personalities (see my Series on Manipulation Tactics). In that series, many of the most

common manipulation tactics are revealed and discussed.

FROM 16th DEC 2015

Gaslighting or gas-lighting - personalities hell-bent on having their way

(big shrug)
2015-12-28 02:31:00 UTC
Post by Henosis Sage
Complaint Referral Form - Internet Crime Complaint Center
Thank you for filing a complaint with the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3).
This is the only reply you will receive from the IC3. Because we receive thousands of complaints per week, we cannot reply to every complaint received or to every request for updates.
However, once we forward your complaint to investigators in the field, they may contact you for further information. Consequently, it is important that you maintain any evidence you have relating to your complaint. Evidence can include canceled checks, credit card receipts, phone bills, mailing envelopes, mail receipts, printed copies of websites, copies of emails, or similar items.
Complaint Id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Password: xxxxxxxxxx
iow Logged, Recorded, Noted, and on File for future reference or action.
(big shrug)
Bigger shrug.....*yawn* boring...
2015-12-28 02:36:45 UTC
Post by Henosis Sage
Complaint Referral Form - Internet Crime Complaint Center
Thank you for filing a complaint with the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3).
This is the only reply you will receive from the IC3. Because we receive thousands of complaints per week, we cannot reply to every complaint received or to every request for updates.
However, once we forward your complaint to investigators in the field, they may contact you for further information. Consequently, it is important that you maintain any evidence you have relating to your complaint. Evidence can include canceled checks, credit card receipts, phone bills, mailing envelopes, mail receipts, printed copies of websites, copies of emails, or similar items.
Complaint Id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Password: xxxxxxxxxx
iow Logged, Recorded, Noted, and on File for future reference or action.
(big shrug)
Why did you not c & p the entire thing? Scared of something? There is literally nothing here that would interest the FBI, but it is more telling how often you mention and threaten to use the FBI to do your will. It's entertaining really! And nothing but a claimed report form response, with absolutely nothing to show that you actually filed a complaint, much less against whom and on what grounds....