11 books by Twitchell contain Plagiarized Texts from Julian Johnson
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Henosis Sage
2016-07-24 02:17:34 UTC
At least 11 major books by Paul Twitchell contain plagiarized texts taken
verbatim from Julian Johnson.

Julian Johnson was a major Radhasoami Satsang Beas author in the 1930s.

The Eckankar books by Paul Twitchell known to contain plagiarized texts
from Julian Johnson's books include:

The Tiger's Fang
In My Soul I Am Free
The Far Country
Dialogues With The Master
Eckankar: The Key to Secret Worlds
The Flute of God
The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad Books 1 & 2
The ECK-VIDYA: Ancient Science of Prophecy
Letters to Gail Vol. I
Eckankar : Illuminated Way Letters

--- --- ---

Plagiarized Text from at least 18 authors has been discovered in Twitchell's
book "Dialogues With The Master" - they include:

Leo Tolstoy 1869 H. Rider Haggard 1886 SSG Hazur Maharaj 1897

Charles F. Haanel 1912 Theron Q. Dumon 1913 Harriett A. Curtiss 1914

Ali Nomad 1915 L. Bolton 1921 A. S. Eddington 1928

Sir James Jeans 1930 Anton T. Boisen 1936 Julian Johnson 1939

Heinrich R. Zimmer 1951 Paul Twitchell (RS) 1956 Willard L. Russell 1959

Paul Brunton 1941 Brown Landone 1945 Joel S. Goldsmith 1955

'Dialogues' is supposed to be a series of DICTATIONS by Rebazar Tarzs.

In the DWTM Introduction, Paul Twitchell writes: "The DIALOGUES in this book are as

close as possible to the original words as he (Rebazar Tarzs) spoke during his nightly visits to give

me advanced training in the secret science of ECKANKAR."

" It is the record of the spoken words of Rebazar Tarzs, the great Tibetan ECK Master..."


The accumulated evidence suggests that that was not the case.
2016-07-24 04:25:23 UTC
Post by Henosis Sage
At least 11 major books by Paul Twitchell contain plagiarized texts taken
verbatim from Julian Johnson.
Julian Johnson was a major Radhasoami Satsang Beas author in the 1930s.
The Eckankar books by Paul Twitchell known to contain plagiarized texts
The Tiger's Fang
In My Soul I Am Free
The Far Country
Dialogues With The Master
Eckankar: The Key to Secret Worlds
The Flute of God
The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad Books 1 & 2
The ECK-VIDYA: Ancient Science of Prophecy
Letters to Gail Vol. I
Eckankar : Illuminated Way Letters
--- --- ---
Plagiarized Text from at least 18 authors has been discovered in Twitchell's
Leo Tolstoy 1869 H. Rider Haggard 1886 SSG Hazur Maharaj 1897
Charles F. Haanel 1912 Theron Q. Dumon 1913 Harriett A. Curtiss 1914
Ali Nomad 1915 L. Bolton 1921 A. S. Eddington 1928
Sir James Jeans 1930 Anton T. Boisen 1936 Julian Johnson 1939
Heinrich R. Zimmer 1951 Paul Twitchell (RS) 1956 Willard L. Russell 1959
Paul Brunton 1941 Brown Landone 1945 Joel S. Goldsmith 1955
'Dialogues' is supposed to be a series of DICTATIONS by Rebazar Tarzs.
In the DWTM Introduction, Paul Twitchell writes: "The DIALOGUES in this book are as
close as possible to the original words as he (Rebazar Tarzs) spoke during his nightly visits to give
me advanced training in the secret science of ECKANKAR."
" It is the record of the spoken words of Rebazar Tarzs, the great Tibetan ECK Master..."
The accumulated evidence suggests that that was not the case.
Henosis Sage
2016-07-24 07:44:27 UTC
Post by Henosis Sage
At least 11 major books by Paul Twitchell contain plagiarized texts taken
verbatim from Julian Johnson.
Julian Johnson was a major Radhasoami Satsang Beas author in the 1930s.
The Eckankar books by Paul Twitchell known to contain plagiarized texts
The Tiger's Fang
In My Soul I Am Free
The Far Country
Dialogues With The Master
Eckankar: The Key to Secret Worlds
The Flute of God
The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad Books 1 & 2
The ECK-VIDYA: Ancient Science of Prophecy
Letters to Gail Vol. I
Eckankar : Illuminated Way Letters
--- --- ---
Plagiarized Text from at least 18 authors has been discovered in Twitchell's
Leo Tolstoy 1869 H. Rider Haggard 1886 SSG Hazur Maharaj 1897
Charles F. Haanel 1912 Theron Q. Dumon 1913 Harriett A. Curtiss 1914
Ali Nomad 1915 L. Bolton 1921 A. S. Eddington 1928
Sir James Jeans 1930 Anton T. Boisen 1936 Julian Johnson 1939
Heinrich R. Zimmer 1951 Paul Twitchell (RS) 1956 Willard L. Russell 1959
Paul Brunton 1941 Brown Landone 1945 Joel S. Goldsmith 1955
'Dialogues' is supposed to be a series of DICTATIONS by Rebazar Tarzs.
In the DWTM Introduction, Paul Twitchell writes: "The DIALOGUES in this book are as
close as possible to the original words as he (Rebazar Tarzs) spoke during his nightly visits to give
me advanced training in the secret science of ECKANKAR."
" It is the record of the spoken words of Rebazar Tarzs, the great Tibetan ECK Master..."
The accumulated evidence suggests that that was not the case.
Over 30% of the DWTM text is taken from a single author
Charles F. Haanel from his 1912 "The Master Key System"
Discourse Series and Book.
Henosis Sage
2016-07-24 07:47:01 UTC
Post by Henosis Sage
Post by Henosis Sage
At least 11 major books by Paul Twitchell contain plagiarized texts taken
verbatim from Julian Johnson.
Julian Johnson was a major Radhasoami Satsang Beas author in the 1930s.
The Eckankar books by Paul Twitchell known to contain plagiarized texts
The Tiger's Fang
In My Soul I Am Free
The Far Country
Dialogues With The Master
Eckankar: The Key to Secret Worlds
The Flute of God
The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad Books 1 & 2
The ECK-VIDYA: Ancient Science of Prophecy
Letters to Gail Vol. I
Eckankar : Illuminated Way Letters
--- --- ---
Plagiarized Text from at least 18 authors has been discovered in Twitchell's
Leo Tolstoy 1869 H. Rider Haggard 1886 SSG Hazur Maharaj 1897
Charles F. Haanel 1912 Theron Q. Dumon 1913 Harriett A. Curtiss 1914
Ali Nomad 1915 L. Bolton 1921 A. S. Eddington 1928
Sir James Jeans 1930 Anton T. Boisen 1936 Julian Johnson 1939
Heinrich R. Zimmer 1951 Paul Twitchell (RS) 1956 Willard L. Russell 1959
Paul Brunton 1941 Brown Landone 1945 Joel S. Goldsmith 1955
'Dialogues' is supposed to be a series of DICTATIONS by Rebazar Tarzs.
In the DWTM Introduction, Paul Twitchell writes: "The DIALOGUES in this book are as
close as possible to the original words as he (Rebazar Tarzs) spoke during his nightly visits to give
me advanced training in the secret science of ECKANKAR."
" It is the record of the spoken words of Rebazar Tarzs, the great Tibetan ECK Master..."
The accumulated evidence suggests that that was not the case.
Over 30% of the DWTM text is taken from a single author
Charles F. Haanel from his 1912 "The Master Key System"
Discourse Series and Book.
Over 60% of The Far Country book is taken from a single author
Dr Julian Johnson, from his 1939 "Path of the Masters" and 1934
"With a Great Master in India" books.
Henosis Sage
2016-07-24 08:09:07 UTC
Post by Henosis Sage
Post by Henosis Sage
Post by Henosis Sage
At least 11 major books by Paul Twitchell contain plagiarized texts taken
verbatim from Julian Johnson.
Julian Johnson was a major Radhasoami Satsang Beas author in the 1930s.
The Eckankar books by Paul Twitchell known to contain plagiarized texts
The Tiger's Fang
In My Soul I Am Free
The Far Country
Dialogues With The Master
Eckankar: The Key to Secret Worlds
The Flute of God
The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad Books 1 & 2
The ECK-VIDYA: Ancient Science of Prophecy
Letters to Gail Vol. I
Eckankar : Illuminated Way Letters
--- --- ---
Plagiarized Text from at least 18 authors has been discovered in Twitchell's
Leo Tolstoy 1869 H. Rider Haggard 1886 SSG Hazur Maharaj 1897
Charles F. Haanel 1912 Theron Q. Dumon 1913 Harriett A. Curtiss 1914
Ali Nomad 1915 L. Bolton 1921 A. S. Eddington 1928
Sir James Jeans 1930 Anton T. Boisen 1936 Julian Johnson 1939
Heinrich R. Zimmer 1951 Paul Twitchell (RS) 1956 Willard L. Russell 1959
Paul Brunton 1941 Brown Landone 1945 Joel S. Goldsmith 1955
'Dialogues' is supposed to be a series of DICTATIONS by Rebazar Tarzs.
In the DWTM Introduction, Paul Twitchell writes: "The DIALOGUES in this book are as
close as possible to the original words as he (Rebazar Tarzs) spoke during his nightly visits to give
me advanced training in the secret science of ECKANKAR."
" It is the record of the spoken words of Rebazar Tarzs, the great Tibetan ECK Master..."
The accumulated evidence suggests that that was not the case.
Over 30% of the DWTM text is taken from a single author
Charles F. Haanel from his 1912 "The Master Key System"
Discourse Series and Book.
Over 60% of The Far Country book is taken from a single author
Dr Julian Johnson, from his 1939 "Path of the Masters" and 1934
"With a Great Master in India" books.

It's been shown that Paul Twitchell plagiarized a large portion of
his Eckankar teachings from sixty-nine (69) other authors.

Saying 'plagiarized' means ongoing verbatim copying of the exact
text from the source books. It's not merely copying 'ideas' or some
'words' but whole sections and chapters as it is, at times with
only basic changes into Eck terms.

The current list of 69 AUTHORS

Julian Johnson

Talbot Mundy

Walter Russell

Ali Nomad (alias of Dr. Alexander J. McIvor-Tyndall)

Thomas Merton

Kirpal Singh

Shiv Dayal Singh

Robert Graves

Christmas Humphreys

Neville Goddard (NTM)

Talbot Mundy (Novelist/Occult)

L. Ron Hubbard (NTM/Occult)

Joel S. Goldsmith (NTM)

WT Stace (Philosophy of Mysticism)

Seng Ts'an (Buddhist)

Christmas Humphreys (Buddhist)

EA Burtt' (Buddhist)

Sardar Sewa Singh

Thomas Troward

Hazrat Inayat Khan

Hazur Maharaj, Rai Saligram 2nd SSG RS Agra

Swami Abhedananda

Bible KJB

L Bolton

A S Eddington x 3

Sir James Jeans x 2

Charles F. Haanel

Heinrich Robert Zimmer

Harriette Augusta Curtiss x 2

Brown Landone

Willard L. Russell

Paul Twitchell as Ruhani Initiate Ananai article

Anton T. Boisen

H. Rider Haggard

Joel S. Goldsmith

Paul Brunton

Swami Vivekananda

Neville Goddard

Col. James Churchward (Mason)

Carl Gustav Jung

Vardis Fisher

Edourd (Edward) Schure

W. Y. Evans-Wentz

Lama Anagarika Govinda

P. D. Ospensky

Vera Stanley Adler

H.P. Blavatsky

F Homer Curtiss

Manly Palmer Hall (Mystic Astrologer Mason)

Tibetan chakras - Bhachacarya Wheel

and Symbols the potter etc

L. Ron Hubbard


Meher Baba

Harry and Bonaro Overstreet

Max Eastman

James Jeans

Maurice Maeterlinck

E.A. Milne

George Grant


Emmet Fox

Henri Bergson - Philosopher


The Varieties of Religious Experience, by William James (1842-1910) father of

American psychology

Ouspensky's The Fourth Way and In Search of the Miraculous ;(1878-1947) met

Gurdjieff in 1915

The Art of Teaching, by Gilbert Highet, which was used extensively in Paul's

Spiritual Instructions for the ECK Satsang Classes

Also Pickthall's translation of Al Qoor'aan, and multiple Scientology texts

he took with him, and the Upanishads.

That's 69 authors and over a 100 other books all up.



Henosis Sage
2016-07-24 10:58:29 UTC
Post by Henosis Sage
Post by Henosis Sage
Post by Henosis Sage
Post by Henosis Sage
At least 11 major books by Paul Twitchell contain plagiarized texts taken
verbatim from Julian Johnson.
Julian Johnson was a major Radhasoami Satsang Beas author in the 1930s.
The Eckankar books by Paul Twitchell known to contain plagiarized texts
The Tiger's Fang
In My Soul I Am Free
The Far Country
Dialogues With The Master
Eckankar: The Key to Secret Worlds
The Flute of God
The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad Books 1 & 2
The ECK-VIDYA: Ancient Science of Prophecy
Letters to Gail Vol. I
Eckankar : Illuminated Way Letters
--- --- ---
Plagiarized Text from at least 18 authors has been discovered in Twitchell's
Leo Tolstoy 1869 H. Rider Haggard 1886 SSG Hazur Maharaj 1897
Charles F. Haanel 1912 Theron Q. Dumon 1913 Harriett A. Curtiss 1914
Ali Nomad 1915 L. Bolton 1921 A. S. Eddington 1928
Sir James Jeans 1930 Anton T. Boisen 1936 Julian Johnson 1939
Heinrich R. Zimmer 1951 Paul Twitchell (RS) 1956 Willard L. Russell 1959
Paul Brunton 1941 Brown Landone 1945 Joel S. Goldsmith 1955
'Dialogues' is supposed to be a series of DICTATIONS by Rebazar Tarzs.
In the DWTM Introduction, Paul Twitchell writes: "The DIALOGUES in this book are as
close as possible to the original words as he (Rebazar Tarzs) spoke during his nightly visits to give
me advanced training in the secret science of ECKANKAR."
" It is the record of the spoken words of Rebazar Tarzs, the great Tibetan ECK Master..."
The accumulated evidence suggests that that was not the case.
Over 30% of the DWTM text is taken from a single author
Charles F. Haanel from his 1912 "The Master Key System"
Discourse Series and Book.
Over 60% of The Far Country book is taken from a single author
Dr Julian Johnson, from his 1939 "Path of the Masters" and 1934
"With a Great Master in India" books.
It's been shown that Paul Twitchell plagiarized a large portion of
his Eckankar teachings from sixty-nine (69) other authors.
Saying 'plagiarized' means ongoing verbatim copying of the exact
text from the source books. It's not merely copying 'ideas' or some
'words' but whole sections and chapters as it is, at times with
only basic changes into Eck terms.
The current list of 69 AUTHORS
Julian Johnson
Talbot Mundy
Walter Russell
Ali Nomad (alias of Dr. Alexander J. McIvor-Tyndall)
Thomas Merton
Kirpal Singh
Shiv Dayal Singh
Robert Graves
Christmas Humphreys
Neville Goddard (NTM)
Talbot Mundy (Novelist/Occult)
L. Ron Hubbard (NTM/Occult)
Joel S. Goldsmith (NTM)
WT Stace (Philosophy of Mysticism)
Seng Ts'an (Buddhist)
Christmas Humphreys (Buddhist)
EA Burtt' (Buddhist)
Sardar Sewa Singh
Thomas Troward
Hazrat Inayat Khan
Hazur Maharaj, Rai Saligram 2nd SSG RS Agra
Swami Abhedananda
Bible KJB
L Bolton
A S Eddington x 3
Sir James Jeans x 2
Charles F. Haanel
Heinrich Robert Zimmer
Harriette Augusta Curtiss x 2
Brown Landone
Willard L. Russell
Paul Twitchell as Ruhani Initiate Ananai article
Anton T. Boisen
H. Rider Haggard
Joel S. Goldsmith
Paul Brunton
Swami Vivekananda
Neville Goddard
Col. James Churchward (Mason)
Carl Gustav Jung
Vardis Fisher
Edourd (Edward) Schure
W. Y. Evans-Wentz
Lama Anagarika Govinda
P. D. Ospensky
Vera Stanley Adler
H.P. Blavatsky
F Homer Curtiss
Manly Palmer Hall (Mystic Astrologer Mason)
Tibetan chakras - Bhachacarya Wheel
and Symbols the potter etc
L. Ron Hubbard
Meher Baba
Harry and Bonaro Overstreet
Max Eastman
James Jeans
Maurice Maeterlinck
E.A. Milne
George Grant
Emmet Fox
Henri Bergson - Philosopher
The Varieties of Religious Experience, by William James (1842-1910) father of
American psychology
Ouspensky's The Fourth Way and In Search of the Miraculous ;(1878-1947) met
Gurdjieff in 1915
The Art of Teaching, by Gilbert Highet, which was used extensively in Paul's
Spiritual Instructions for the ECK Satsang Classes
Also Pickthall's translation of Al Qoor'aan, and multiple Scientology texts
he took with him, and the Upanishads.
That's 69 authors and over a 100 other books all up.

It's been shown that Paul Twitchell plagiarized a large portion
of his Eckankar writings from at least 69 different authors.

Saying 'plagiarized' means verbatim copying of the exact text
from the source books. It's more than copying ideas and some
words here and there. This is copying the exact form in passages,
long sections, or whole chapters with only some minor changes
into 'Eck' terms.


The Key to ECKANKAR by Sri Paul Twitchell, p. 42 (1968)

“It is possible for anyone to change the trend of his life,

not by hearing or reading truth, but by making it an active

part of his consciousness in daily experience, until it

becomes a habit every moment of the day, instead of an

occasional thought. Let (God) operate in

the consciousness morning, noon, and night until

the actual awareness comes (gradually).”


Practicing the Presence by JOEL GOLDSMITH, pp. 19-26 (1956)

"It is possible for anyone to change the trend of his life,

not by hearing or reading truth, but by making it an active

part of his consciousness in daily experience, until it

becomes a habit every moment of the day, instead of an

occasional thought. Let (these principles) operate in

the consciousness morning, noon, and night, until

(gradually) the actual awareness comes."




Plagiarism examples search code on a.r.e. is 'Ref. # 41391720'

Plagiarism Evidence Folder PTEHA
Henosis Sage
2016-07-24 08:09:53 UTC
Post by Henosis Sage
Over 30% of the DWTM text is taken from a single author
Charles F. Haanel from his 1912 "The Master Key System"
Discourse Series and Book.

Please Note:

Much of the movie and book "The Secret" was based on Charles F. Haanel's 'The Master Key System'

Rhonda Byrne, author claims "The Secret" comes direct from inner Astral Library

Tisra Til
2016-07-24 19:36:11 UTC
Post by Henosis Sage
At least 11 major books by Paul Twitchell contain plagiarized texts taken
verbatim from Julian Johnson.
Julian Johnson was a major Radhasoami Satsang Beas author in the 1930s.
The Eckankar books by Paul Twitchell known to contain plagiarized texts
The Tiger's Fang
In My Soul I Am Free
The Far Country
Dialogues With The Master
Eckankar: The Key to Secret Worlds
The Flute of God
The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad Books 1 & 2
The ECK-VIDYA: Ancient Science of Prophecy
Letters to Gail Vol. I
Eckankar : Illuminated Way Letters
--- --- ---
Plagiarized Text from at least 18 authors has been discovered in Twitchell's
Leo Tolstoy 1869 H. Rider Haggard 1886 SSG Hazur Maharaj 1897
Charles F. Haanel 1912 Theron Q. Dumon 1913 Harriett A. Curtiss 1914
Ali Nomad 1915 L. Bolton 1921 A. S. Eddington 1928
Sir James Jeans 1930 Anton T. Boisen 1936 Julian Johnson 1939
Heinrich R. Zimmer 1951 Paul Twitchell (RS) 1956 Willard L. Russell 1959
Paul Brunton 1941 Brown Landone 1945 Joel S. Goldsmith 1955
'Dialogues' is supposed to be a series of DICTATIONS by Rebazar Tarzs.
In the DWTM Introduction, Paul Twitchell writes: "The DIALOGUES in this book are as
close as possible to the original words as he (Rebazar Tarzs) spoke during his nightly visits to give
me advanced training in the secret science of ECKANKAR."
" It is the record of the spoken words of Rebazar Tarzs, the great Tibetan ECK Master..."
The accumulated evidence suggests that that was not the case.
Tisra Til
2016-07-24 19:43:55 UTC
Post by Henosis Sage
At least 11 major books by Paul Twitchell contain plagiarized texts taken
verbatim from Julian Johnson.
Julian Johnson was a major Radhasoami Satsang Beas author in the 1930s.
The Eckankar books by Paul Twitchell known to contain plagiarized texts
The Tiger's Fang
In My Soul I Am Free
The Far Country
Dialogues With The Master
Eckankar: The Key to Secret Worlds
The Flute of God
The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad Books 1 & 2
The ECK-VIDYA: Ancient Science of Prophecy
Letters to Gail Vol. I
Eckankar : Illuminated Way Letters
--- --- ---
Plagiarized Text from at least 18 authors has been discovered in Twitchell's
Leo Tolstoy 1869 H. Rider Haggard 1886 SSG Hazur Maharaj 1897
Charles F. Haanel 1912 Theron Q. Dumon 1913 Harriett A. Curtiss 1914
Ali Nomad 1915 L. Bolton 1921 A. S. Eddington 1928
Sir James Jeans 1930 Anton T. Boisen 1936 Julian Johnson 1939
Heinrich R. Zimmer 1951 Paul Twitchell (RS) 1956 Willard L. Russell 1959
Paul Brunton 1941 Brown Landone 1945 Joel S. Goldsmith 1955
'Dialogues' is supposed to be a series of DICTATIONS by Rebazar Tarzs.
In the DWTM Introduction, Paul Twitchell writes: "The DIALOGUES in this book are as
close as possible to the original words as he (Rebazar Tarzs) spoke during his nightly visits to give
me advanced training in the secret science of ECKANKAR."
" It is the record of the spoken words of Rebazar Tarzs, the great Tibetan ECK Master..."
The accumulated evidence suggests that that was not the case.
Tisra Til
2016-07-24 19:46:14 UTC
Post by Henosis Sage
At least 11 major books by Paul Twitchell contain plagiarized texts taken
verbatim from Julian Johnson.
Julian Johnson was a major Radhasoami Satsang Beas author in the 1930s.
The Eckankar books by Paul Twitchell known to contain plagiarized texts
The Tiger's Fang
In My Soul I Am Free
The Far Country
Dialogues With The Master
Eckankar: The Key to Secret Worlds
The Flute of God
The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad Books 1 & 2
The ECK-VIDYA: Ancient Science of Prophecy
Letters to Gail Vol. I
Eckankar : Illuminated Way Letters
--- --- ---
Plagiarized Text from at least 18 authors has been discovered in Twitchell's
Leo Tolstoy 1869 H. Rider Haggard 1886 SSG Hazur Maharaj 1897
Charles F. Haanel 1912 Theron Q. Dumon 1913 Harriett A. Curtiss 1914
Ali Nomad 1915 L. Bolton 1921 A. S. Eddington 1928
Sir James Jeans 1930 Anton T. Boisen 1936 Julian Johnson 1939
Heinrich R. Zimmer 1951 Paul Twitchell (RS) 1956 Willard L. Russell 1959
Paul Brunton 1941 Brown Landone 1945 Joel S. Goldsmith 1955
'Dialogues' is supposed to be a series of DICTATIONS by Rebazar Tarzs.
In the DWTM Introduction, Paul Twitchell writes: "The DIALOGUES in this book are as
close as possible to the original words as he (Rebazar Tarzs) spoke during his nightly visits to give
me advanced training in the secret science of ECKANKAR."
" It is the record of the spoken words of Rebazar Tarzs, the great Tibetan ECK Master..."
The accumulated evidence suggests that that was not the case.
Tisra Til
2016-07-24 23:46:27 UTC
not sure what I was responding to,; Oh, what the Hell. Injoy your weekend, to all and sundry....
Post by Henosis Sage
At least 11 major books by Paul Twitchell contain plagiarized texts taken
verbatim from Julian Johnson.
Julian Johnson was a major Radhasoami Satsang Beas author in the 1930s.
The Eckankar books by Paul Twitchell known to contain plagiarized texts
The Tiger's Fang
In My Soul I Am Free
The Far Country
Dialogues With The Master
Eckankar: The Key to Secret Worlds
The Flute of God
The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad Books 1 & 2
The ECK-VIDYA: Ancient Science of Prophecy
Letters to Gail Vol. I
Eckankar : Illuminated Way Letters
--- --- ---
Plagiarized Text from at least 18 authors has been discovered in Twitchell's
Leo Tolstoy 1869 H. Rider Haggard 1886 SSG Hazur Maharaj 1897
Charles F. Haanel 1912 Theron Q. Dumon 1913 Harriett A. Curtiss 1914
Ali Nomad 1915 L. Bolton 1921 A. S. Eddington 1928
Sir James Jeans 1930 Anton T. Boisen 1936 Julian Johnson 1939
Heinrich R. Zimmer 1951 Paul Twitchell (RS) 1956 Willard L. Russell 1959
Paul Brunton 1941 Brown Landone 1945 Joel S. Goldsmith 1955
'Dialogues' is supposed to be a series of DICTATIONS by Rebazar Tarzs.
In the DWTM Introduction, Paul Twitchell writes: "The DIALOGUES in this book are as
close as possible to the original words as he (Rebazar Tarzs) spoke during his nightly visits to give
me advanced training in the secret science of ECKANKAR."
" It is the record of the spoken words of Rebazar Tarzs, the great Tibetan ECK Master..."
The accumulated evidence suggests that that was not the case.
Henosis Sage
2016-07-25 02:02:03 UTC
Post by Tisra Til
not sure what I was responding to,; Oh, what the Hell. Injoy your weekend, to all and sundry....
lol, no worries. you too, and just blame the internet!

It was sent to try our patience beyond reason. :-)
Henosis Sage
2016-07-25 02:39:46 UTC
Post by Henosis Sage
At least 11 major books by Paul Twitchell contain plagiarized texts taken
verbatim from Julian Johnson.
Julian Johnson was a major Radhasoami Satsang Beas author in the 1930s.
The Eckankar books by Paul Twitchell known to contain plagiarized texts
The Tiger's Fang
In My Soul I Am Free
The Far Country
Dialogues With The Master
Eckankar: The Key to Secret Worlds
The Flute of God
The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad Books 1 & 2
The ECK-VIDYA: Ancient Science of Prophecy
Letters to Gail Vol. I
Eckankar : Illuminated Way Letters
--- --- ---
Plagiarized Text from at least 18 authors has been discovered in Twitchell's
Leo Tolstoy 1869 H. Rider Haggard 1886 SSG Hazur Maharaj 1897
Charles F. Haanel 1912 Theron Q. Dumon 1913 Harriett A. Curtiss 1914
Ali Nomad 1915 L. Bolton 1921 A. S. Eddington 1928
Sir James Jeans 1930 Anton T. Boisen 1936 Julian Johnson 1939
Heinrich R. Zimmer 1951 Paul Twitchell (RS) 1956 Willard L. Russell 1959
Paul Brunton 1941 Brown Landone 1945 Joel S. Goldsmith 1955
'Dialogues' is supposed to be a series of DICTATIONS by Rebazar Tarzs.
In the DWTM Introduction, Paul Twitchell writes: "The DIALOGUES in this book are as
close as possible to the original words as he (Rebazar Tarzs) spoke during his nightly visits to give
me advanced training in the secret science of ECKANKAR."
" It is the record of the spoken words of Rebazar Tarzs, the great Tibetan ECK Master..."
The accumulated evidence suggests that that was not the case.
Plagiarism ------------- Refs

Over 20 authors from the New Thought and Christian Science
movements were regularly plagiarized by Paul Twitchell across
13 different Eckankar books.

Some of those authors were: Charles F. Haanel, Thomas Troward,
Col. James Churchward, Neville Goddard, Walter Russell, Brown
Landone, Joel S. Goldsmith, Bernard (of England), Talbot Mundy,
L. Ron Hubbard, Walter Evans-Wentz, and Manly Palmer Hall.

Over 30% of the 'DWTM' text is copied from a single author
Charles F. Haanel and his 'The Master Key System' of 1912.


At least 5 major Radhasoami authors were heavily plagiarized by
Paul Twitchell and used to articulate his Eckankar teachings.

They were Sant Kirpal Singh, Shiv Dayal Singh, Rai Salig Ram,
Baba Sawan Singh and Dr. Julian Johnson. Their writings appear
in a dozen books written by Paul Twitchell.

Large sections of original text by Hazur Maharaj Rai Saligram,
the second Sant Sat Guru of Radhasoami has been found in three
different books by Paul Twitchell: TFoG, DWTM and SBTR.

11 major books by Paul Twitchell contain plagiarized texts that
were copied verbatim from Julian Johnson's Radhasoami books.

Plagiarism examples search code on a.r.e. is 'Ref. # 41391720'

Plagiarism Evidence Folder PTEHA
2021-07-28 14:52:30 UTC
Post by Henosis Sage
Post by Henosis Sage
At least 11 major books by Paul Twitchell contain plagiarized texts taken
verbatim from Julian Johnson.
Julian Johnson was a major Radhasoami Satsang Beas author in the 1930s.
The Eckankar books by Paul Twitchell known to contain plagiarized texts
The Tiger's Fang
In My Soul I Am Free
The Far Country
Dialogues With The Master
Eckankar: The Key to Secret Worlds
The Flute of God
The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad Books 1 & 2
The ECK-VIDYA: Ancient Science of Prophecy
Letters to Gail Vol. I
Eckankar : Illuminated Way Letters
--- --- ---
Plagiarized Text from at least 18 authors has been discovered in Twitchell's
Leo Tolstoy 1869 H. Rider Haggard 1886 SSG Hazur Maharaj 1897
Charles F. Haanel 1912 Theron Q. Dumon 1913 Harriett A. Curtiss 1914
Ali Nomad 1915 L. Bolton 1921 A. S. Eddington 1928
Sir James Jeans 1930 Anton T. Boisen 1936 Julian Johnson 1939
Heinrich R. Zimmer 1951 Paul Twitchell (RS) 1956 Willard L. Russell 1959
Paul Brunton 1941 Brown Landone 1945 Joel S. Goldsmith 1955
'Dialogues' is supposed to be a series of DICTATIONS by Rebazar Tarzs.
In the DWTM Introduction, Paul Twitchell writes: "The DIALOGUES in this book are as
close as possible to the original words as he (Rebazar Tarzs) spoke during his nightly visits to give
me advanced training in the secret science of ECKANKAR."
" It is the record of the spoken words of Rebazar Tarzs, the great Tibetan ECK Master..."
The accumulated evidence suggests that that was not the case.
Plagiarism ------------- Refs
Over 20 authors from the New Thought and Christian Science
movements were regularly plagiarized by Paul Twitchell across
13 different Eckankar books.
Some of those authors were: Charles F. Haanel, Thomas Troward,
Col. James Churchward, Neville Goddard, Walter Russell, Brown
Landone, Joel S. Goldsmith, Bernard (of England), Talbot Mundy,
L. Ron Hubbard, Walter Evans-Wentz, and Manly Palmer Hall.
Over 30% of the 'DWTM' text is copied from a single author
Charles F. Haanel and his 'The Master Key System' of 1912.
At least 5 major Radhasoami authors were heavily plagiarized
Paul Twitchell and used to articulate his Eckankar teachings.
They were Sant Kirpal Singh, Shiv Dayal Singh, Rai Salig Ram,
Baba Sawan Singh and Dr. Julian Johnson. Their writings appear
in a dozen books written by Paul Twitchell.
Large sections of original text by Hazur Maharaj Rai Saligram,
the second Sant Sat Guru of Radhasoami has been found in three
different books by Paul Twitchell: TFoG, DWTM and SBTR.
11 major books by Paul Twitchell contain plagiarized texts that
were copied verbatim from Julian Johnson's Radhasoami books.
Plagiarism examples search code on a.r.e. is 'Ref. # 41391720'
Plagiarism Evidence Folder PTEHA
Good reference thread.
Henosis Sage
2021-07-29 10:23:24 UTC
Post by Etznab
Post by Henosis Sage
Post by Henosis Sage
At least 11 major books by Paul Twitchell contain plagiarized texts taken
verbatim from Julian Johnson.
Julian Johnson was a major Radhasoami Satsang Beas author in the 1930s.
The Eckankar books by Paul Twitchell known to contain plagiarized texts
The Tiger's Fang
In My Soul I Am Free
The Far Country
Dialogues With The Master
Eckankar: The Key to Secret Worlds
The Flute of God
The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad Books 1 & 2
The ECK-VIDYA: Ancient Science of Prophecy
Letters to Gail Vol. I
Eckankar : Illuminated Way Letters
--- --- ---
Plagiarized Text from at least 18 authors has been discovered in Twitchell's
Leo Tolstoy 1869 H. Rider Haggard 1886 SSG Hazur Maharaj 1897
Charles F. Haanel 1912 Theron Q. Dumon 1913 Harriett A. Curtiss 1914
Ali Nomad 1915 L. Bolton 1921 A. S. Eddington 1928
Sir James Jeans 1930 Anton T. Boisen 1936 Julian Johnson 1939
Heinrich R. Zimmer 1951 Paul Twitchell (RS) 1956 Willard L. Russell 1959
Paul Brunton 1941 Brown Landone 1945 Joel S. Goldsmith 1955
'Dialogues' is supposed to be a series of DICTATIONS by Rebazar Tarzs.
In the DWTM Introduction, Paul Twitchell writes: "The DIALOGUES in this book are as
close as possible to the original words as he (Rebazar Tarzs) spoke during his nightly visits to give
me advanced training in the secret science of ECKANKAR."
" It is the record of the spoken words of Rebazar Tarzs, the great Tibetan ECK Master..."
The accumulated evidence suggests that that was not the case.
Plagiarism ------------- Refs
Over 20 authors from the New Thought and Christian Science
movements were regularly plagiarized by Paul Twitchell across
13 different Eckankar books.
Some of those authors were: Charles F. Haanel, Thomas Troward,
Col. James Churchward, Neville Goddard, Walter Russell, Brown
Landone, Joel S. Goldsmith, Bernard (of England), Talbot Mundy,
L. Ron Hubbard, Walter Evans-Wentz, and Manly Palmer Hall.
Over 30% of the 'DWTM' text is copied from a single author
Charles F. Haanel and his 'The Master Key System' of 1912.
At least 5 major Radhasoami authors were heavily plagiarized
Paul Twitchell and used to articulate his Eckankar teachings.
They were Sant Kirpal Singh, Shiv Dayal Singh, Rai Salig Ram,
Baba Sawan Singh and Dr. Julian Johnson. Their writings appear
in a dozen books written by Paul Twitchell.
Large sections of original text by Hazur Maharaj Rai Saligram,
the second Sant Sat Guru of Radhasoami has been found in three
different books by Paul Twitchell: TFoG, DWTM and SBTR.
11 major books by Paul Twitchell contain plagiarized texts that
were copied verbatim from Julian Johnson's Radhasoami books.
Plagiarism examples search code on a.r.e. is 'Ref. # 41391720'
Plagiarism Evidence Folder PTEHA
Good reference thread.
Oui, Merci :-)
