Henosis Sage
2016-07-24 02:17:34 UTC
At least 11 major books by Paul Twitchell contain plagiarized texts taken
verbatim from Julian Johnson.
Julian Johnson was a major Radhasoami Satsang Beas author in the 1930s.
The Eckankar books by Paul Twitchell known to contain plagiarized texts
from Julian Johnson's books include:
The Tiger's Fang
In My Soul I Am Free
The Far Country
Dialogues With The Master
Eckankar: The Key to Secret Worlds
The Flute of God
The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad Books 1 & 2
The ECK-VIDYA: Ancient Science of Prophecy
Letters to Gail Vol. I
Eckankar : Illuminated Way Letters
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Plagiarized Text from at least 18 authors has been discovered in Twitchell's
book "Dialogues With The Master" - they include:
Leo Tolstoy 1869 H. Rider Haggard 1886 SSG Hazur Maharaj 1897
Charles F. Haanel 1912 Theron Q. Dumon 1913 Harriett A. Curtiss 1914
Ali Nomad 1915 L. Bolton 1921 A. S. Eddington 1928
Sir James Jeans 1930 Anton T. Boisen 1936 Julian Johnson 1939
Heinrich R. Zimmer 1951 Paul Twitchell (RS) 1956 Willard L. Russell 1959
Paul Brunton 1941 Brown Landone 1945 Joel S. Goldsmith 1955
'Dialogues' is supposed to be a series of DICTATIONS by Rebazar Tarzs.
In the DWTM Introduction, Paul Twitchell writes: "The DIALOGUES in this book are as
close as possible to the original words as he (Rebazar Tarzs) spoke during his nightly visits to give
me advanced training in the secret science of ECKANKAR."
" It is the record of the spoken words of Rebazar Tarzs, the great Tibetan ECK Master..."
The accumulated evidence suggests that that was not the case.
verbatim from Julian Johnson.
Julian Johnson was a major Radhasoami Satsang Beas author in the 1930s.
The Eckankar books by Paul Twitchell known to contain plagiarized texts
from Julian Johnson's books include:
The Tiger's Fang
In My Soul I Am Free
The Far Country
Dialogues With The Master
Eckankar: The Key to Secret Worlds
The Flute of God
The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad Books 1 & 2
The ECK-VIDYA: Ancient Science of Prophecy
Letters to Gail Vol. I
Eckankar : Illuminated Way Letters
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Plagiarized Text from at least 18 authors has been discovered in Twitchell's
book "Dialogues With The Master" - they include:
Leo Tolstoy 1869 H. Rider Haggard 1886 SSG Hazur Maharaj 1897
Charles F. Haanel 1912 Theron Q. Dumon 1913 Harriett A. Curtiss 1914
Ali Nomad 1915 L. Bolton 1921 A. S. Eddington 1928
Sir James Jeans 1930 Anton T. Boisen 1936 Julian Johnson 1939
Heinrich R. Zimmer 1951 Paul Twitchell (RS) 1956 Willard L. Russell 1959
Paul Brunton 1941 Brown Landone 1945 Joel S. Goldsmith 1955
'Dialogues' is supposed to be a series of DICTATIONS by Rebazar Tarzs.
In the DWTM Introduction, Paul Twitchell writes: "The DIALOGUES in this book are as
close as possible to the original words as he (Rebazar Tarzs) spoke during his nightly visits to give
me advanced training in the secret science of ECKANKAR."
" It is the record of the spoken words of Rebazar Tarzs, the great Tibetan ECK Master..."
The accumulated evidence suggests that that was not the case.