Tisra Til
2021-07-26 16:16:15 UTC
‘Subtle energies’ has different meanings. It is sometimes used to refer to physical energy fields (e.g. electromagnetic waves) that are very weak, but it can also refer to ethereal, nonphysical grades of energy-substance. This includes a life force, known by different cultures, traditions and researchers under a variety of names: e.g. ka (ancient Egypt), pneuma (Greece), spiritus/anima (Rome), prana/ojas (Hinduism), lung (Tibet), qi/chi (China), ki (Japan), nephesh (Judaism), animal magnetism (Franz Anton Mesmer), odic force (Karl von Reichenbach), élan vital (Henri Bergson), and orgone (Wilhelm Reich). Some researchers believe that the ‘corona discharge’ of living organisms and inanimate objects revealed by Kirlian photography (high-voltage, high-frequency electrophotography) may be a manifestation of this life energy (see Astral bodies, appendix 2).
All mystical traditions and religious philosophies recognize the existence of subtler realms, which are invisible to our normal senses, but not to the inner eye of a seer or even an undeveloped psychic. In the 18th and 19th centuries most scientists accepted that there was an ether of subtler substance underlying the physical world, which helped explain light, heat, electricity and magnetism.
However, the ether went out of fashion among mainstream scientists with the rise of relativity theory and quantum theory in the early 20th century (see Space, time and relativity). Instead of trying to understand physical matter-energy as manifestations of a subtler level of reality, orthodox scientists now try to understand them in terms of mathematical abstractions that exist only in their imaginations: e.g. zero-dimensional point particles, one-dimensional strings, and ‘probability waves’ that magically ‘collapse’ into physical particles whenever we make an observation (see The farce of modern physics). However, individual scientists have continued to explore the notion of an ether.
According to the theosophical tradition, or ageless wisdom, the ether of physics corresponds to the three highest states of matter on our physical plane (the lower four being: solid, liquid, gas and plasma), and it is merely the borderland of the endless planes of reality that lie beyond – all of which are composed of consciousness-substance of different rates of vibration, and occupy (and in fact compose) the same boundless space (see Worlds within worlds).
Nowadays, many researchers who accept that subtle energies are required to explain psychic phenomena and certain types of healing reject the concept of an ether as obsolete, and try instead to explain subtle energies by invoking extra dimensions of the physical world, or quantum entanglement, i.e. instantaneous ‘nonlocal’ connections ‘beyond space and time’ (see Psi wars). In fact, many researchers are looking for ways to explain acupuncture, homeopathy and manual healing methods without appealing to subtler, nonphysical energies of any kind; they prefer to invoke conventional electromagnetic fields (including the universal quantum field) and bioelectricity (Mayor, 2015).
David Pratt
All mystical traditions and religious philosophies recognize the existence of subtler realms, which are invisible to our normal senses, but not to the inner eye of a seer or even an undeveloped psychic. In the 18th and 19th centuries most scientists accepted that there was an ether of subtler substance underlying the physical world, which helped explain light, heat, electricity and magnetism.
However, the ether went out of fashion among mainstream scientists with the rise of relativity theory and quantum theory in the early 20th century (see Space, time and relativity). Instead of trying to understand physical matter-energy as manifestations of a subtler level of reality, orthodox scientists now try to understand them in terms of mathematical abstractions that exist only in their imaginations: e.g. zero-dimensional point particles, one-dimensional strings, and ‘probability waves’ that magically ‘collapse’ into physical particles whenever we make an observation (see The farce of modern physics). However, individual scientists have continued to explore the notion of an ether.
According to the theosophical tradition, or ageless wisdom, the ether of physics corresponds to the three highest states of matter on our physical plane (the lower four being: solid, liquid, gas and plasma), and it is merely the borderland of the endless planes of reality that lie beyond – all of which are composed of consciousness-substance of different rates of vibration, and occupy (and in fact compose) the same boundless space (see Worlds within worlds).
Nowadays, many researchers who accept that subtle energies are required to explain psychic phenomena and certain types of healing reject the concept of an ether as obsolete, and try instead to explain subtle energies by invoking extra dimensions of the physical world, or quantum entanglement, i.e. instantaneous ‘nonlocal’ connections ‘beyond space and time’ (see Psi wars). In fact, many researchers are looking for ways to explain acupuncture, homeopathy and manual healing methods without appealing to subtler, nonphysical energies of any kind; they prefer to invoke conventional electromagnetic fields (including the universal quantum field) and bioelectricity (Mayor, 2015).
David Pratt