Post by Henosis SageJust one who questions the scientific dogma of viruses and contagious diseases- LOGICALLY. With direct experience behind it.
For no particular reason ...
It's had zero effect on us. We double vaxxed early (as did our entire social network) and are looking forward to a Delta booster. I wear a Korean quality face mask in public places and even on trails to show support for the others doing so and as a courtesy to front-facing supermarket checkers and the like.
I help DRASTIC occasionally with exposure of the lab leak coverup having been involved academically in past decades with things like engineered genomes, protein molecular evolution and structure-function prediction.
These citizen scientists have done a remarkable job overall though quality is uneven.
I'm very familiar with why polio vaccines such as Salk and Sabin kick out SV40, the risk of rabies vaccine made from BSE-infected fetal calf serum, how military-industrial complex vaccines like anthrax come into mandated use etc etc yet the anti-vaxx vehemence baffles me in regard to the two mRNA vaccines. I ask them straight off to tell me about IgG which has been a great conversation stopper.
We've gone round and round here before on the infringed freedoms brought on by city water chlorination, fluoridation, jury duty, seat belt wearing, open containers, tax-filing, no-smoking regulation, by medical prescription only, voter registration and so on. Fine but if you choose the enhanced risk, take on the doubled insurance premium.
What ever became of John Locke and the social contract?
What, if anything, justifies the authority of the state? What are the proper limits of state power? Under what circumstances, if any, is it morally right to overthrow a state? Within Western political philosophy, one of the most influential approaches to such questions asserts that the state exists by, and its powers are generally defined or circumscribed by, the rational agreement of its citizens, as represented in an actual or a hypothetical social contract among themselves or between themselves and a ruler. The classic social-contract theorists of the 17th and 18th centuries—Thomas Hobbes (1588–1679), John Locke (1632–1704), and Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712–78)—held that the social contract is the means by which civilized society, including government, arises from a historically or logically preexisting condition of stateless anarchy,som or a “state of nature.” Because the state of nature is in certain respects unhappy or unsatisfactory or undesirable, or because increasingly complex social relations eventually require it, each person agrees to surrender some (or all) of his or her originally expansive rights and freedoms to a central authority on the condition that every other person does the same. In exchange, each person receives the benefits that supposedly only such a central authority can provide, notably including domestic peace.
Aahhh those questions about life liberty and pursuit of happiness, especially when one is miserable. and oppressed by the majority.
A couple of days ago I saw a video of Australians protesting somewhere, and were quite vocal about their opposition to the lockdowns and mask wearing mandates taking place. Apparently there are those who think these draconian measures are a bit extreme and are questioning the science. Or lack thereof.
With such a deadly pathogen floating around in the atmosphere, it would seem the next logical step is the acquiring of a hazmat suit for each and every Australian citizen. And then when your country is deemed free of the 0.001% possibility of dying from this deadly pathogen, life can return back to "normal" and the citizenry can only concern themselves with wearing masks everywhere they go, having each and every booster shot every three months because of the constantly mutating vermin, and not allowing folks like myself from entering your beloved land unless I am fully up to date with my vaccinations (not really a vaccine by the legal definition of the term; it's "gene therapy", designed to alter my dna to fight this deadly critter that's 1/1,000,000 the size of a human cell - oh boy! ;-)))
Can't you see the writing on the wall, homie? No?
There were more deadly pathogens than CoV2 that were supposed to kill many more millions of people, with no lockdowns, mask wearing mandates, and vaccine passports. The prophets of doom were way off the mark, and the death and destruction didn't last long. This is no different. This is Propaganda 101. Every mark of a military-psychological operation. On a global scale. Create fear. Create the means to end the fear. Follow what you are told to do or you will be shunned, deemed a terrorist, confined to where you can and cannot go, and experience REAL fear.
The social contract quote is a nice ideal. But has that been borne out in reality? Hardly. Certainly not in the USA. There has always been those with the power and those without. Whether it is militarily, socially or financially - today it is mostly financially. One has to ask their self if the anarchy was created by those already in power to gain more power. Create circumstances where those without power are put in a constant state of fear of the consequences of rebelling against those who wield the fasces and aren't worried about using them. Returning to a state of nature, or following the Way of nature, would be a breath of fresh air (no pun intended), IMO.
Occam's Razor S.A.:☢☠%EF%B8%8F☢The-Truth-about-Spike-Protein---Depopulation-Patents-Since-2002:c?