2021-07-16 12:27:12 UTC
Anybody thought about going back to the beginning and looking at how these beliefs formed? Looking at the different stories around them?
Action and reaction seems pretty straightforward for an explanation of karma. It can be observed by science and laws of physics. At it's basic foundation it seems to make sense to me. However, when beliefs come in about people reincarnating as animals and bugs I think that sounds bizarre. Also the idea of a God, or beings who decide what happens to a soul after death.
So may Jewish people and others died in the Holocaust. Since the most of the victims were Jewish, does that mean some Jewish people did something so evil as to condemn the whole race?
So it seems that actions and reactions do correlate in certain respects, but the explanations often grow into bizarre explanations.
There was a book by a well-known Jewish author that suggested the six million Jews gave their lives willingly as if to teach the human race that evil people exist! O.K. I better give a reference here.
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Tom speaks of the Holocaust, in which 6 million Jews were exterminated by Hitler, with huge sorrow, yet claims it was an act of self-sacrifice and salvation:
The greatest portion of these six million came at that time to sacrifice self, to make your planet earth aware that there were those who would attempt to rule and control humanity.
Tom also explained that the atrocity of the Holocaust was necessary for the creation of the state of Israel, an important part of the plan for Earth. Essentially the victims chose to be incarnated at this time and place and to be victims of the Holocaust as a selfless act of sacrifice to make us all aware that evil people existed...
... end quotes
I could be wrong, but I believe some of this information is found in a book called The Keys of Enoch, by James Hurtak.
So this guy explains reincarnation and karma based on a channeled being called Tom? Spokesperson for the Council of Nine? Can't say I agree with his explanations.
In any case, I know it's hard to trace history back beyond a certain point, but if there is time I will try to do some research on the history and the evolution karma and reincarnation ideas. Not to specifically look for the most popular beliefs, but more so to isolate the actual historical truth based on true events. This is not about whether karma and reincarnation are real, or exist. It's about discovering how the beliefs began and what they were based on.
Action and reaction seems pretty straightforward for an explanation of karma. It can be observed by science and laws of physics. At it's basic foundation it seems to make sense to me. However, when beliefs come in about people reincarnating as animals and bugs I think that sounds bizarre. Also the idea of a God, or beings who decide what happens to a soul after death.
So may Jewish people and others died in the Holocaust. Since the most of the victims were Jewish, does that mean some Jewish people did something so evil as to condemn the whole race?
So it seems that actions and reactions do correlate in certain respects, but the explanations often grow into bizarre explanations.
There was a book by a well-known Jewish author that suggested the six million Jews gave their lives willingly as if to teach the human race that evil people exist! O.K. I better give a reference here.
Begin quotes ...
Tom speaks of the Holocaust, in which 6 million Jews were exterminated by Hitler, with huge sorrow, yet claims it was an act of self-sacrifice and salvation:
The greatest portion of these six million came at that time to sacrifice self, to make your planet earth aware that there were those who would attempt to rule and control humanity.
Tom also explained that the atrocity of the Holocaust was necessary for the creation of the state of Israel, an important part of the plan for Earth. Essentially the victims chose to be incarnated at this time and place and to be victims of the Holocaust as a selfless act of sacrifice to make us all aware that evil people existed...
... end quotes
I could be wrong, but I believe some of this information is found in a book called The Keys of Enoch, by James Hurtak.
So this guy explains reincarnation and karma based on a channeled being called Tom? Spokesperson for the Council of Nine? Can't say I agree with his explanations.
In any case, I know it's hard to trace history back beyond a certain point, but if there is time I will try to do some research on the history and the evolution karma and reincarnation ideas. Not to specifically look for the most popular beliefs, but more so to isolate the actual historical truth based on true events. This is not about whether karma and reincarnation are real, or exist. It's about discovering how the beliefs began and what they were based on.