Etznab, Why I left Ecknkar !
(too old to reply)
2007-08-27 22:51:03 UTC
***** This is going to come across as a ( contradiction. )

I left Eckankar because I was able to prove the concepts of Soul
Travel to myself.

My personality is I want to do, ( not sit ) in a Satsang and discuss.

I had the following experience, I was taken back to the crucifixion.
I saw myself very clearly as the roman centurion responsible for
maintaining order and preventing any trouble. I saw this as clearly
as any experience in this life.

I have had enough out of the body experiences that I know that Soul
Travel is real. It is ( a skill ) that in time many could learn to

I had trouble sitting in Satsang and worship service discussing what
might be possible, when I knew it could be done.

It reached the point where I started telling people ..... Shut Up,
Stop Talking and start doing it. This is a talent that all Souls have,
It is not limited to any religion or belief system.

Jesus said all these things I do and greater you can do also. .... So
why isn't anyone doing them. Because the various religions have
( taught ) us not to. The last thing any religion wants is for
people to become spiritually independent. The religion would be out of
business the same day.

Why is anyone even interested I reading Doug's version of history,
( GO ) and see it for yourself.

Every Soul everywhere can do it. Awareness and Consciousness is openly
available to all. It is the result of effort and imagination. It has
( nothing ) to do with yearly memberships and initiations.

All masters openly offer their help to all truth seekers with out
discrimination. The masters don't ask for an ID card or proof of

Soul is ( NOT ) an Eckist, Jew, Hindu, or Christian. .... Soul is
energy and awareness, Nor is it the property of any man made religion.
Granola Cruncher
2007-08-28 00:15:29 UTC
Post by g***@gmail.com
***** This is going to come across as a ( contradiction. )
I did not feel it was contradictory. But I find that with initiation
comes a permanency. The "volume" on the "radio" can be turned real
low, even to a different channel, but I'd say, the "radio" can't be
turned off. I'm using words to describe something else so have put
quotes around these words. Yet, I hope my comments made sense on some
level. To compare yourself to those who have never initiated with a
Light and Sound Master might be an awkward comparision, as in a
comparison of two unlike things.

I also do not have a satsang or worship service I am attending as
well. This is as close as a discussion of any spiritual sort in my
physical life right now. So I can relate to wanting to do rather than
only talk, as life has forced me to work a lot right now for good
reasons other than just the earning of more money.
Post by g***@gmail.com
I left Eckankar because I was able to prove the concepts of Soul
Travel to myself.
2007-08-28 01:00:15 UTC
Post by Granola Cruncher
Post by g***@gmail.com
***** This is going to come across as a ( contradiction. )
I did not feel it was contradictory. But I find that with initiation
comes a permanency. The "volume" on the "radio" can be turned real
low, even to a different channel, but I'd say, the "radio" can't be
turned off. I'm using words to describe something else so have put
quotes around these words. Yet, I hope my comments made sense on some
level. To compare yourself to those who have never initiated with a
Light and Sound Master might be an awkward comparision, as in a
comparison of two unlike things.
I also do not have a satsang or worship service I am attending as
well. This is as close as a discussion of any spiritual sort in my
physical life right now. So I can relate to wanting to do rather than
only talk, as life has forced me to work a lot right now for good
reasons other than just the earning of more money.
Post by g***@gmail.com
I left Eckankar because I was able to prove the concepts of Soul
Travel to myself.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I really like a good roundtable discussion. Even a good
Worship Service. Satsang as well. Doesn't even have to
be an Eckankar function.

Some of my best insights come during a HU sing done
in a group.

One need not have a phenomenal experience of leaving
the body to have Soul Travel. I believe people do this kind
of thing naturally since the time they are young.

Everyone has their own unique way of balancing "inner"
and "outer", IMO. So, I can see the other perspectives of
different people and are glad to know about them.

Granola Cruncher
2007-08-28 10:23:59 UTC
Post by Etznab
I really like a good roundtable discussion. Even a good
Worship Service. Satsang as well. Doesn't even have to
be an Eckankar function.
Some of my best insights come during a HU sing done
in a group.
I enjoy very much roundtable discussions, worship services, book
discussions and Satsangs too. Tibetan Tulku's speak about the
exponential power of group mantra as a way to increase the universal
good and I feel the same way about the group HU. It's been written
that "when you work with the fullness of heart, the golden heart, you
find things are being done right you never realized were being done
right. This occurs when there is balance and you have the perception
to see the true value of things that come into your life." Truth Has
No Secrets says "You do what gives you the chance for the most
spiritual growth and personal fulfillment." My path and probably
everyone's path is one of continual change. While I prefer and enjoy
the public realm of discourse and group participation, right now I'm
in a situation where business success makes that participation
extremely difficult and mostly not possible. But I don't think this
scenario is just about making more money but is also about what is
best needed for me right now spiritually. So what I originally wrote
came across in a very static way rather than the more fluid and open
way of living and thinking that is possible.
2007-08-28 13:11:45 UTC
Couldn't subscribe to the original Subject... _One_ of the many reasons is
because I really like round tables. Perhaps they are my favorite activity to
do because while around a topic, they are unscripted, in the moment flow
explored by the participants, where the facilitator is charged with not
directing the conversation.

` o
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Rich~~~~(__________/~~~~Sailing the CyberSea~~~~~
Post by Etznab
I really like a good roundtable discussion. Even a good
Worship Service. Satsang as well. Doesn't even have to
be an Eckankar function.
Some of my best insights come during a HU sing done
in a group.
One need not have a phenomenal experience of leaving
the body to have Soul Travel. I believe people do this kind
of thing naturally since the time they are young.
Everyone has their own unique way of balancing "inner"
and "outer", IMO. So, I can see the other perspectives of
different people and are glad to know about them.
2007-08-28 06:12:21 UTC
Post by Granola Cruncher
Post by g***@gmail.com
***** This is going to come across as a ( contradiction. )
I did not feel it was contradictory.
me neither ... fwiw .

Dave ... the link below is on health and spiritual healing by Sri Harold,
seeing this is your main area of interest, i know it's only a little edit,
but good to see it on the main website , yes??


I concurr with the rest of your thoughts below too. cheers sean

But I find that with initiation
Post by Granola Cruncher
comes a permanency. The "volume" on the "radio" can be turned real
low, even to a different channel, but I'd say, the "radio" can't be
turned off. I'm using words to describe something else so have put
quotes around these words. Yet, I hope my comments made sense on some
level. To compare yourself to those who have never initiated with a
Light and Sound Master might be an awkward comparision, as in a
comparison of two unlike things.
I also do not have a satsang or worship service I am attending as
well. This is as close as a discussion of any spiritual sort in my
physical life right now. So I can relate to wanting to do rather than
only talk, as life has forced me to work a lot right now for good
reasons other than just the earning of more money.
Post by g***@gmail.com
I left Eckankar because I was able to prove the concepts of Soul
Travel to myself.
2007-08-28 00:20:36 UTC
Hi garland,

fwiw I understand this, [ or believe I do ] and I can agree with and see
your points of view you're expressing, and really I don't see anything wrong
in these choices for yourself, even leaving Eckankar. Cheers sean
Post by g***@gmail.com
***** This is going to come across as a ( contradiction. )
I left Eckankar because I was able to prove the concepts of Soul
Travel to myself.
My personality is I want to do, ( not sit ) in a Satsang and discuss.
I had the following experience, I was taken back to the crucifixion.
I saw myself very clearly as the roman centurion responsible for
maintaining order and preventing any trouble. I saw this as clearly
as any experience in this life.
I have had enough out of the body experiences that I know that Soul
Travel is real. It is ( a skill ) that in time many could learn to
I had trouble sitting in Satsang and worship service discussing what
might be possible, when I knew it could be done.
It reached the point where I started telling people ..... Shut Up,
Stop Talking and start doing it. This is a talent that all Souls have,
It is not limited to any religion or belief system.
Jesus said all these things I do and greater you can do also. .... So
why isn't anyone doing them. Because the various religions have
( taught ) us not to. The last thing any religion wants is for
people to become spiritually independent. The religion would be out of
business the same day.
Why is anyone even interested I reading Doug's version of history,
( GO ) and see it for yourself.
Every Soul everywhere can do it. Awareness and Consciousness is openly
available to all. It is the result of effort and imagination. It has
( nothing ) to do with yearly memberships and initiations.
All masters openly offer their help to all truth seekers with out
discrimination. The masters don't ask for an ID card or proof of
Soul is ( NOT ) an Eckist, Jew, Hindu, or Christian. .... Soul is
energy and awareness, Nor is it the property of any man made religion.
2007-08-28 00:51:40 UTC
Post by g***@gmail.com
***** This is going to come across as a ( contradiction. )
I left Eckankar because I was able to prove the concepts of Soul
Travel to myself.
My personality is I want to do, ( not sit ) in a Satsang and discuss.
I had the following experience, I was taken back to the crucifixion.
I saw myself very clearly as the roman centurion responsible for
maintaining order and preventing any trouble. I saw this as clearly
as any experience in this life.
I have had enough out of the body experiences that I know that Soul
Travel is real. It is ( a skill ) that in time many could learn to
I had trouble sitting in Satsang and worship service discussing what
might be possible, when I knew it could be done.
It reached the point where I started telling people ..... Shut Up,
Stop Talking and start doing it. This is a talent that all Souls have,
It is not limited to any religion or belief system.
Jesus said all these things I do and greater you can do also. .... So
why isn't anyone doing them. Because the various religions have
( taught ) us not to. The last thing any religion wants is for
people to become spiritually independent. The religion would be out of
business the same day.
Why is anyone even interested I reading Doug's version of history,
( GO ) and see it for yourself.
Every Soul everywhere can do it. Awareness and Consciousness is openly
available to all. It is the result of effort and imagination. It has
( nothing ) to do with yearly memberships and initiations.
All masters openly offer their help to all truth seekers with out
discrimination. The masters don't ask for an ID card or proof of
Soul is ( NOT ) an Eckist, Jew, Hindu, or Christian. .... Soul is
energy and awareness, Nor is it the property of any man made religion.

Thak you much for sharing about your experiences.
