2021-01-15 15:02:44 UTC
"[...] But the bottom line is: So what? What difference does it really make? Lane suggests that if Paul lied about this, then how can you trust anything he says? Well, for one thing, who says you should trust anything Paul said?
"[...] And once you've gained that connection, who cares if it is fiction? It is certainly fiction of a whole different sort. A fiction that is truer than fact.
"[...] The origins of living teachings cannot be found by tracing historical events, but only by making contact with the higher states of consciousness from where they spring.
"[...] As a story of historical fact, Paul's story may not hold up very well. But that is not what it was meant for. It was intended for connecting us to a reality that is more real than any historical fact. [... .]"
"[...] The point is not whether these beings were historical personages. The problem Lane has here is that he is trying to use the principles of Logical Deduction to judge spiritual realities. The principles of Logic, as they were established in the 18th and 19th centuries, claim that all statements are either true, false or meaningless. Clearly David is trying to fit Paul's writings into one of these three categories.
"[...] Therefore, it is possible to prove these statements for ourselves inwardly, not publicly, and this is the foundation of the teachings of ECKANKAR. So when we say that we believe this statement is true, we are talking about a truth beyond physical proofs.
"[...] The lesson here, for the spiritual student, is to become aware of the difference between what one knows through one's own personal experience, and what one has accepted on faith from outer teaching. Once you have had inner encounters with the ECK Masters or other spiritual realities, it is important to establish within yourself whether this is a reality or not. If you cannot, you leave yourself open to the challenges of the scientists or the lawyers.
"[...] This means that, when studying the works of ECKANKAR, we should take what we find is useful and not worry about the rest. Remember, the writings of the ECK Masters are aimed at many different states of consciousness. [... .]"
"[...] The only area that I don't think looks good is Paul's lack of crediting his sources, to the point of making it look like he, or Rebazar Tarzs, was the original source. This looks especially bad these days, since copyright law has become much more controlled and publicized. However, it doesn't appear to have been much of a problem while Paul was alive. [... .]"
"Paul fictionalized his accounts, because he was an experienced writer and knew that stories were far more effective than lectures. Paul set himself up as simply a seeker, in The Tiger's Fang, because he knew from experience that people learn very differently from those who come across as authorities, than from someone who they can identify with, who is describing a personal experience. He created the dialog with Rebazar Tarzs, in The Far Country, because this was a much more effective and interesting way of communicating, than simply pontificating."
"[...] And no matter what anyone might do, organizations will always look after themselves. Organizations can not act any other way when they are leading.
"This is why the inner connection to Spirit, the ECK, is the only thing that we can rely on. [...]
"And if the teaching is sincere about the spiritual path, it needs to point out over and over again its own limitations in its outer form. [... .]"
[...] My opinion, Dave, since you have expressed yours above, is that the only person we should try to keep on a hook is our own selves. We should take full responsibility for everything we create, and we should try to be conscious and aware of our own decisions. This leaves us free to continue on with our lives, and not get hung up on how someone else's choices might have affected our lives, which are things of the past. [... .]"
"Strange as it may seem today, back when Paul began writing his books, such as The Far Country, the creation of myth was still seen as a necessary requirement of most spiritual paths."
"[...] I, for one, love the differences. That we would make different choices, I think is fascinating and makes for interesting discussions and debates. But the painting of each other as if one side is wrong, and the other is right, does surprise me, because I think we all have learned early on in our spiritual search, that the Social Conscience, where the wordly ideas of right and wrong are bandied about, must be abandoned if we are going to find real Truth. [... .]"
"[...] But the bottom line is: So what? What difference does it really make? Lane suggests that if Paul lied about this, then how can you trust anything he says? Well, for one thing, who says you should trust anything Paul said?
"[...] And once you've gained that connection, who cares if it is fiction? It is certainly fiction of a whole different sort. A fiction that is truer than fact.
"[...] The origins of living teachings cannot be found by tracing historical events, but only by making contact with the higher states of consciousness from where they spring.
"[...] As a story of historical fact, Paul's story may not hold up very well. But that is not what it was meant for. It was intended for connecting us to a reality that is more real than any historical fact. [... .]"
"[...] The point is not whether these beings were historical personages. The problem Lane has here is that he is trying to use the principles of Logical Deduction to judge spiritual realities. The principles of Logic, as they were established in the 18th and 19th centuries, claim that all statements are either true, false or meaningless. Clearly David is trying to fit Paul's writings into one of these three categories.
"[...] Therefore, it is possible to prove these statements for ourselves inwardly, not publicly, and this is the foundation of the teachings of ECKANKAR. So when we say that we believe this statement is true, we are talking about a truth beyond physical proofs.
"[...] The lesson here, for the spiritual student, is to become aware of the difference between what one knows through one's own personal experience, and what one has accepted on faith from outer teaching. Once you have had inner encounters with the ECK Masters or other spiritual realities, it is important to establish within yourself whether this is a reality or not. If you cannot, you leave yourself open to the challenges of the scientists or the lawyers.
"[...] This means that, when studying the works of ECKANKAR, we should take what we find is useful and not worry about the rest. Remember, the writings of the ECK Masters are aimed at many different states of consciousness. [... .]"
"[...] The only area that I don't think looks good is Paul's lack of crediting his sources, to the point of making it look like he, or Rebazar Tarzs, was the original source. This looks especially bad these days, since copyright law has become much more controlled and publicized. However, it doesn't appear to have been much of a problem while Paul was alive. [... .]"
"Paul fictionalized his accounts, because he was an experienced writer and knew that stories were far more effective than lectures. Paul set himself up as simply a seeker, in The Tiger's Fang, because he knew from experience that people learn very differently from those who come across as authorities, than from someone who they can identify with, who is describing a personal experience. He created the dialog with Rebazar Tarzs, in The Far Country, because this was a much more effective and interesting way of communicating, than simply pontificating."
"[...] And no matter what anyone might do, organizations will always look after themselves. Organizations can not act any other way when they are leading.
"This is why the inner connection to Spirit, the ECK, is the only thing that we can rely on. [...]
"And if the teaching is sincere about the spiritual path, it needs to point out over and over again its own limitations in its outer form. [... .]"
[...] My opinion, Dave, since you have expressed yours above, is that the only person we should try to keep on a hook is our own selves. We should take full responsibility for everything we create, and we should try to be conscious and aware of our own decisions. This leaves us free to continue on with our lives, and not get hung up on how someone else's choices might have affected our lives, which are things of the past. [... .]"
"Strange as it may seem today, back when Paul began writing his books, such as The Far Country, the creation of myth was still seen as a necessary requirement of most spiritual paths."
"[...] I, for one, love the differences. That we would make different choices, I think is fascinating and makes for interesting discussions and debates. But the painting of each other as if one side is wrong, and the other is right, does surprise me, because I think we all have learned early on in our spiritual search, that the Social Conscience, where the wordly ideas of right and wrong are bandied about, must be abandoned if we are going to find real Truth. [... .]"